Thursday, July 18, 2019

Iraqi Kurdistan Region 1999 - Traditional Costumes (Seri 1 & 2)


Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government has for a long time now, been using very many different motives for their stamps. All marked with “Iraqi Kurdistan Region”. But a special set of stamps, among all those beautiful designs, caught my attention. In this set – we see Kurdish clothes on men and women:

It is easy to see that the stamps, for one, are old – but besides this – the clothes are those of the Badra Province of South Kurdistan – and make up a part of the Kurmanca style of clothings, Kiras û Fîstan.

But what is more interesting than the set of purely Kurdish clothes, is the set of Kurdistani clothes on men and women:

Here we see, from left to right:
Kurmanca style, Êzidî style, Feîlî/Shebek style – all part of Kurdish clothing styles and last but not least on the far right hand we see clothings in Ashûrî style. All these are part of the Kurdistani culture.

I was very amused and even happy to see this set of stamps. Likewise I hope it amuses you and spreads the message which the KRG for so long has been trying to send – there is UNITY among Kurdistan – they are all part of a Kurdistani culture. Diversity is rarely as celebrated as it is in Kurdistan. For thousands of years there has been a sense of co-existence in Kurdistan among Kurds and Assyrians.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Egypt 2019 - EUROMED, Egyptian Heritage Costumes

The triple stamp is characterized by a panoramic shape, whether combined or separated the desired expressive purpose of the design is achieved.

Mediterranean Sea region is characterized by various traditional costumes, for instance Egypt is located in the South East of the Mediterranean Sea and combines lots of different civilizations as Pharaonic, Romanian, Coptic and Islamic, all these civilizations made a different structure from other neighboring countries to Egypt.
As for the areas overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, they have a different impression from the South areas, despite the inspiration of the ancient Egyptian civilization, as the first stamp from the right side depicts the ornaments and costumes of the Egyptian civilization that is the true heritage of the Egyptians, the middle stamp depicts Nuba region (South Egypt) and the third stamp on the left side represents the coastal area, traditional costumes depicts the dance of fishermen.
Egypt has many patterns of traditional costumes, but when designing the triple stamp we wanted to express a simple part of this huge Egyptian heritage.

Technical Specifications of the Stamp
Occasion: EuroMed Postal Stamp (Egyptian heritage costumes)
Date of issue: 8/7/2019
Design: Group of Egyptian heritage costumes
Stamp dimensions: Group of 3 stamps 9*5 / denomination: L.E. 12 Sheet: 15 stamps
Printing: Offset
Colors: Multi colored
Quantity: 75,000 stamps
Issue annexes: 1500 envelop of First Day Cover, size: 16*23 cm + Machine Stamp.

Portugal 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

The sun’s rays, blazing the heat and light of the meridian, mark out a land of affinities in the southern half of Portugal. The Alentejo and Algarve regions are part of this realm of intense light, bright colours, broad horizons and high temperatures for most of the year. By the sea as well as further inland. The sensory opulence exuded by these surroundings is not, however, enough to hide the memory of
the hard work of the people of this land. The idea of toiling from sunrise to
sundown had an unusual semantic precision in these parts.
That’s what the Alentejan harvesters would have told you, their harsh routine made all the more intense for a large part of the year by the persistently high temperatures. Protection from the cruel sun therefore became a fundamental concern among these indomitable women absorbed in their duties. Their heads were covered with a hat in the ‘Braga’ style, with a wide, upturned brim and
a cheerful ribbon and posies of flowers or ears of corn, worn on top of a patterned cotton cloth, crossed under the chin. The thickly woven blouse was protected by
a shawl. During the harvest, skirts were pulled up to the knees, tied around the
legs with cords or pins, making them into shorts that made it easier to work. They wore tall calfskin boots, but also leather shoes.
This footwear was not so different from that worn by the men whose job it was to guard the cattle on the wide plains. The boots of Alentejan herders were covered by leather gaiters. Combined with chaps, made of the same material or sheepskin, on their legs, and calfskins over their torso, they had the necessary protection against the extremes of the climate, both in summer and winter. This was the camouflage under which they wore thick trousers and pleated shirts. Their heads were protected by felt hats with wide brims. A cane and blanket
were essential accessories for long days roaming the countryside.
Also subjected to the torments of the burning sun, intensified by the glow reflected in the raw material they were gathering, the salt collectors of the Algarve dressed in a way that would protect their bodies from the combined aggression of the sun, the salt and the luminosity emanating from it. This was good reason for them to cover their heads and faces with a bioco, a kind of hooded cloak aimed at shielding the face, leaving only a small gap for the eyes. On top
of this they would wear a hat, on which they carried heavy esparto grass baskets containing the salt. With a light-coloured blouse, these workers’ outfits were distinctive for the way they arranged their skirts, rolling them up to their knees
to facilitate their movements. Their hands were protected by old stockings turned into gloves, but they went barefoot.
This custom was replicated by many of the fishermen of the region, combined with the habit of rolling up their trousers. A checked flannel shirt and bright colours were the norm. Cap and neckerchief completed the outfit. Those who went to the high seas and stayed there for long periods had other footwear requirements. Boots had to be sturdy, befitting the robust clothing prepared for maritime exertions: shirt, coat and trousers of wool or flannel, often worn under an oilskin, and on the head, a hat of the same material, the sou’wester.

Morocco 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

As an active member of the twenty-one members of Postal Union for the Mediterranean (PUMED), Moroccan Post has always been involved in joint programs launched by the union.
The theme chosen for 2019 is:” costumes of the Mediterranean”. In Morocco, the costume is a distinctive feature of the country's culture; its regional specificities make it the case of a secular know-how passed down from generation to generation. Northern Morocco is particularly known for being a center of excitement of tastes and styles; this area open to the Mediterranean has seen the development of several types of costumes worn by his men and women.
To illustrate this theme, the Moroccan Post issues two postage stamps reproducing works drawn in watercolor and which illustrate two traditional female and male costumes from the region of northern Morocco.

From 08 July to 8 October 2019, the PUMED open its first online philatelic contest for web users to elect the most beautiful PUMed stamp issued by the member countries of the Union on 2019. https : //

Slovenia 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 08 July 2019
Designer: Edi Berk
Illustrator: Saša Šantel
Printer: Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
Perforation: Comb 14 : 14
Stamp: Size 29,82 x 42,60 mm
Printing Process: Layout 4-colour offset in sheets of 25 stamps
Paper Tullis Russell Chancellor Litho PVA RMS GUM, 102 g/m2
Quantity: 40,000 stamps

Costume of Barcola and Servola

Picturesqueness even in the style of dress

Costumes of the Mediterranean is the common theme chosen by the postal operators of the Postal Union for the Mediterranean (Euromed Postal) for this year’s stamp. Slovenia is represented on this occasion by the country’s coastal and maritime region in its entirety, including those parts of neighbouring Italy that were and still are traditionally home to a Slovene population. The region’s costumes or modes of dress were painstakingly documented in watercolours by the Slovene painter Saša Šantel (1883–1945) in the 1930s.

The stamp features his portrayals of a man and a woman in the typical costumes of the mandrieri – the members of the Slovene farming and herding community living in the environs of the city of Trieste. The man is shown in the costume of Barcola (Barkovlje in Slovene), while the woman wears the costume of Servola (Škedenj in Slovene).

Both are very good examples of a mode of dress that has already been documented for the second half of the nineteenth century. The man’s costume is notable for the characteristic breeches (brente or barješe). The shortness of this garment was a more or less obligatory part of the costume, since it was considered shameful for a young woman to associate with a man wearing long trousers. Other characteristic features of the man’s costume included blue stockings known as kocjete, an otter fur hat or frkindež for the winter and important holidays, and low open shoes known as šulni. Women (mandriere) wore a short sleeved blouse or ople?a and a skirt with a bodice or fanelca. The bodices of young, unmarried women were lighter in colour, while those of married women were made of darker fabric, often black or purple, and decorated with floral patterns. The colour of the skirt differed from the colour of the apron, over which women wore a broad sash of either a single colour or several colours, tied on the left-hand side. The headscarf was richly embroidered and bordered with lace. Small scarfs or collars (ovratniki) were worn over the shoulders and back. The male and female costumes depicted here reflect colourful Mediterranean influences that add to their picturesque appearance.

Greece 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

Euromed - Costumes in the Mediterranean

Four stamps with a value-indicator for postcards (2x), the lowest inland weight and the lowest inland weight signed for category.
They show images of traditional costumes from Greece (Castellorizo, Crete/Anogia, Lefkas and Xanthi).
They were issued in sheetlets of 25 and 8 stamps and booklets.

Design: Myrsini Vardopoulou
Printer: Veridos Matsoukis SA
Dimensions: 30 mm x42 mm
Sheetlets: Numbers issued: 7000
Booklets: The booklet contains the four stamps se-tenant, without perforation on two sides;

numbers issued: 7000.
Numbers Printed:
PC - 3.000.000
PC - 3.000.000
LIR - 2.000.000
LIRSF - 1.000.000

Spain 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean



• Issue date:08 July 2019
• Printing Process: Offset, gummed
• Paper: gummed, phosphorescent
• Size of stamp: 74,6 x 28,8 mm
• Sheet effects: 12
• Postal value of the stamps:1.40 € each stamp
• Print run: 18.000 Premium Sheets

A new stamp is being released on a Premium Sheet dedicated to Euromed, whose main focus is regional costumes from the Mediterranean.
On 15 March 2011, the Postal Union for the Mediterranean was established in Rome between 14 Postal Operators from across the Mediterranean region under the umbrella of the Universal Postal Union. Today it has up to 21 members.
Their objectives are based on four pillars: to improve communication, promote financial inclusion, stimulate trade and share resources.
The stamp dedicated to the regional costumes of the Mediterranean displays the various typical costumes of the region, including the flamenco dress.
The background of the stamp features the silhouette of the Balearic Islands, a clear representation of Mediterranean culture.
The Premium Sheet is illustrated with lace, a material that is used for many typical costumes due to its delicacy and elegance, as is the case with the Fallera.
The Mediterranean region, especially Spain, is characterised by the richness and variety of regional costumes.
From Catalonia to Andalusia, these traditional costumes represent an explosion of colour that accompanies the festivals and folklore in many corners of the country.
Catalonia has its large ‘gandallas’ and ‘mantellinas’ for the women and the iconic ‘barretina’ for the men. The delicate Fallera dress, which is typical in the region of Valencia, has become a real work of art due to its embroidery, lace and filigrees. The women of Huerta de Murcia dress in bodices, bloomers and petticoats, which are covered with a refajo, or skirt, made from different materials, and this can also be decorated with embroidery. In Andalusia, the women wear very flattering dresses with ruffles and polka dots, and the men wear typical riding costumes. People from the Balearic Islands wear jackets, petticoats, and their characteristic ‘rebosillo’ to cover their heads and the ‘espardenyes’ to cover their feet. Each and every one of these are a hallmark of an ancestral culture.

Turkey 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes Used in The Mediterranean


In every environment since they existed, humankind have dressed as required by the circumstances and her/his social status and convenient to her/his personal characteristics. Public costumes of our country, on the shore of the Mediterranean, emerged as a product of the Mediterranean Culture. These costumes preserved like historical artifacts and worn in special times protects its specialty of being irreplaceable of Turkey.

Bindall?/Gaziantep: The costumes for private days called “Bindall?”, originally from Gaziantep district, are worn in almost every region of our country. Plant motives take place on the embroideries crafted with the dival technique by using the silver thread onto red silk or velvet fabric. Brides use gold and silver jewels and colorful scarfs and feathers on their cap and gorgets decorated with golden coins on their neck, and golden belts on their waist.
Bride Costumes/Antalya: The decorations made with beads, spacers, fringes and point laces used on the caps of traditional bride costumes of Antalya district wrap the head and fall to the chest. The same decorations can be seen on the belt wrapping the waist and the short waistcoat. Apron dresses on the dimije is decorated with paillettes. As for the feet, socks made of angora wool crafted with traditional motives are worn.

Within the scope of Postal Union for Mediterranean (EUROMED), of which PTT Corporation is a member since the year 2010, “EUROMED (COSTUMES USED IN THE MEDITERRANEAN)” themed 2 (two) valuable commemorative stamp and first day cover prepared by using the images of traditional costumes belonging to “Gaziantep” and “Antalya” districts are put in circulation by PTT Corporation on 08.07.2019.

Value 2x2 Türk Liras?
Date of Issue 08.07.2019
Quantity 2x 100.000
Stamp Size 60x40 mm
Printing Process Digital
Printing House PTT Printing House
Last Date of Sale Limited with the Quantity
Design Technique Digital
Artist P?nar OLGAÇ
Stamp Process Coordination Fatih TI?LIO?LU, Ahmet SESVEREN, Ebru AKSOY, M.F?rat GÜRBÜZ, Nalan BOSTANCI, Sevim KILLIO?LU
Stamp Approval Mehmet ORHON, Ali ?hsan KARACA, Kenan BOZGEY?K

Jordan 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean


EUROMED Costumes Heritages 2019

Based upon the recommendations of the EuroMed Union that include the Jordan as co-founder member aiming to spread knowledge among public of the national costumes heritage of the Levant area (Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria), Jordan Post intends to release a stamps issue under the name of " EuroMed Costumes to be launch for sale to public on 08/July/2019.

This issue consists of 4 stamps with value of 0.4 JD for each and 1 souvenir sheet with total price of JD 2.100 per set, also a First Day Cover (FDC) will be released on this occasion with value of JD 2.600 together with FDC stamp bearing a new design as agreed on the workshop session held in Amman on 20/03/2019.

The stamps were designed by ISAM printing Press, A postcard was prepared as well for each stamp of this issue bearing the image of the stamp, 4000 sets were printed to be released for sale on the designated date mentioned here above.

Algeria 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 10 July 2019
Drawing: Zineb Bahri
Face Value: 4 x 25 AD
Size: 29 x 43
Printer: Printing Bank of Algeria.
Printing process: Offset

Traditional Outfits
Traditional dresses date back to ancient times. They have evolved according to the evolution of humanity throughout history and are important elements of the cultural heritage of peoples. Each people is distinguished by its traditional dress from the rest of the population which reflects its link to its history, heritage and originality. Traditional clothing is an integral part of the nation's heritage and, whatever its improvement or development, it will always retain its values, which do not change through places or times.

is a traditional Algerian dress, more precisely the city of Tlemcen. A pure product of Tlemcenian craftsmanship, it was worn by the Tlemcenian princesses of yesteryear.

The outfit is a traditional kaftan in velvet and gold thread, decorated with cultured pearls, necklaces, meskia and graffache. Khorsa (a kind of earrings that "fall" from the temples) and enormous earrings hang from a conical cap embroidered with gold thread and placed on the head.

This garment is worn by brides with other jewels such as djouhar cultured pearls, meskia hanging necklaces, el-kholkhal which is wrapped around the ankle, in addition to the bracelets while the head is capped with a conical chechia embroidered with gold thread on which is tied the mendil of mensoudj, kind of scarf where are placed seven to nine diadems including zerrouf (tiara), djebel (diadem) and other ornaments.

Since 2012, the Chedda is included in intangible cultural heritage, as a bridal costume Tlemcen and rituals; and the craftsmanship associated with it.

so-called thaquendourth is the basic element of the suit, machine-stitched from several pieces, now it can have short or long sleeves as it can be sleeveless. All young women generally have two toilets that do not differ much in form: the dress of work and that of ceremonies.

The Kabyle dress consists of:
The apron, says lfoudha which is an important piece of the traditional Kabylie dress. It is a matching fabric that is worn over Thaqendourth knotted at the waist.

The belt, called Agous, essential accessory of women's clothing, it consists of a set of multicolored woolen threads braided and provided with pompoms at the ends.

The headdress is composed of a scarf or a fichu, said Tmahremth or amendil, worn on the head, it is an indipensable piece of the feminine clothes. The Kabyle woman never leaves him.

Kechabia - Aures:
The Algerian djellaba called Kechabia has the distinction of being made of camel wool (called Loubar).

It is made in two stages. The first is the work of wool, a work that only women master.It is then the men who will take care of the assembly: sewing and embroidery.

To make a pretty djellaba you have to choose the end of the end of the wool. Women will therefore prefer the wool of young camelids, whose age must not exceed the first year. These women have the gift of patience, tact, mastery and rigor. Qualities that make kechabia a traditional dress of prestige.

Burnous - South:
It is no secret that the burnous camel hair is a registered trademark of Djelfa, especially the city of Messaad.

The incontestable quality of the Ouled Nail burnous is mainly related to the raw material of which it is made: from the "pure camel wool" the burnous in camel hair has always been the prerogative of Messaad, where the craft of Camel hair is a heritage still well preserved by the local population.

The making of a camel wool burnous is a long-term job, whose main condition is the "good selection of wool" that will be used. This task is entrusted to women who, once they have made their choice, wash and purify all the impurities before spinning it into long, yellowish brown fibers. Once this step is completed, craftsmen men, known for their dexterity and talent, are called to take over to give shape to the woven threads, which will turn into beautiful burnous.

Lebanon 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 8 July 2019
Stamp Face Value: 2,000 L.L. 
Quantity Issued: 15,000
Stamp Dimensions: 4x5cm
Printing: Chemaly & Chemaly Printing Press 
Designed by: Mrs Papou Lahoud Saadé

France 2019 - EUROMED, Clothing of the Mediterranean

Technical Details:
Issue Date: 08 July 2019
Designer: Sabine Forget
Process: Heliogravure
Size: 40.85 x 30 mm
Perforation13 1/4
Printing Process: Four Colour
Values: €1.30
Quantity: 700,000

About EUROMED - Clothing of the Mediterranean

La Poste has chosen the costume of the Arles (Arles) or the flower picker (Grasse) to illustrate the common theme of 2019 "Costumes of the Mediterranean"

We work with the Museum of Art and History of Provence de Grasse which has a large collection of costumes including Provencal, the Museon Arlaten.

Croatia 2019 - EUROMED, Pumed - Mediterranean Folk Costumes

Technical Details:
Issue Date: 08 July 2019
Designer: Dubravka Zglavnik Horvat, designer from Zagreb
Printer: AKD d.o.o., Zagreb
Process: Offset
Colours: Multicolor
Size: 29.82 x 48.28 mm
Values: 8.60 HRK

About Pumed - Mediterranean Folk Costumes

The Croatian island of Susak is one of the smallest inhabited islands on the northern Adriatic coast. It was formed by limestone rocks covered in layers of sand several metres thick, that are suitable for growing old grapevines. In the Middle Ages, it was the property of the Benedictine Monastery of St. Nicholas. A church and a large 12th-century Romanesque crucifix have been preserved from that period. There is also an eponymous settlement located on the island, whose inhabitants were fishermen, wine growers and winemakers. After World War II, many inhabitants of Susak Island moved to the United States as political and economic migrants. They regularly visit their birth island, which is inhabited by a small community today.

Susak has preserved its archaic vernacular (protected as an intangible cultural good of the Republic of Croatia) Ever since 1985, islanders, immigrants and visitors celebrate Emigrant Day on the last Sunday in July, donning folk costumes. Women on the island wore their folk costumes until the mid-20th century. The later preserved garments, named "po losinjsku" (meaning “Lošinj style”), were still in use after World War II as formal wear for girls and brides, and during the interwar period, the skirt had been cropped above the knee. The folk costume is worn by adults and children during the holidays and festivities, especially on Emigrant Day.

The children's folk costume is identical to the one worn by adults. It is mostly pink, which is the basic colour, and decorated with an array of ornaments. It comprises a pink silk blouse, richly adorned with multi-coloured ribbons, lace, metal threads and glass beads. The pink skirt, called the "kamizot", is folded into pleats and widened with three heavily starched petticoats. The pink silk pinny, or "tarvijerslica", is adorned with the same ornaments as the blouse. Pink socks and leather shoes complete the outfit.

The men's folk costume of Susak Island was changed early on, and consisted of various white shirts and trousers with brown and black vests. The children's folk costume of Susak island is important for preserving the tradition and identity of the island.

Tihana Petrović Leš, PhD, Full Professor

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Bermuda 2019 - Hand Crafted Hats

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 30 May 2019
Designer: Shelia Semos 
Printer: Southern Colour Printing 
Process: Lithography 
Stamp Size: 42.19mm X 28mm 
Perforation: 13.33 Per 2cms 
Pane: 50 (2 X 25) 
Paper: CASCO Crown Watermarked
Values: 50¢, $1.00, $1.20, $1.40

Created by local artists Donna Pink and Ronnie Chameau BEM, these bonnets and hats are part of a collection of 28 handmade hats made entirely from the Island’s natural foliage, which were featured in exhibitions at the Bermuda Society Of Arts in 2014 and 2017 and more recently in a book titled ‘Our History In Hats - Foliage To Fashion’.

The artists took their inspiration from images of women in Bermuda wearing hats from the1800’s to the1950’s, which they compiled into ten posters. It then took an eight month labor of love to create their interpretations of the hats shown in the posters. The end result was a great collaboration of skills and ideas that gave us a unique look at Bermuda’s history from the perspective of fashion. The collection was designed to demonstrate how simple, organic materials, not normally considered beautiful, could be used creatively to re-create fashionable hats worn by women throughout the ages.

Stamp 1:
Basic Bonnet – One of the many styles worn by women in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Materials used: coconut palm matting, garden banding paper.

Stamp 2:
Dress Bonnet – These were popular throughout the 1800’s and were often quite large in size. Materials used: woven palmetto leaves, skeleton magnolia leaves, banana leaves, fennel flowers.

Stamp 3:
Flipped Brim – During the early 1900’s smaller brims and hats sitting lower on the head were in fashion. Materials used: coconut palm matting, palmetto leaves, garden banding paper.

Stamp 4:
Side Angled Cloche – The 1920’s saw very deep crowns often covering the whole head. Materials used: coconut palm matting, palmetto leaves, dried hydrangea, garden banding paper. First Day Cover: Wide Brim – During the 1940’s it was customy to recycle materials. Wide brims became popular again. Materials used: coconut palm matting, recycled jute rope. Photography: Richard Lee

Cyprus 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes in the Mediterranean

Cyprus Post will circulate on 9th July 2019 the new stamp series "Euromed 2019 - Costumes in the Mediterranean".

"Euromed 2019 - Costumes in the Mediterranean"

For a sixth consecutive year, member states of the Postal Union for the Mediterranean “Euromed Postal”, issue a stamp with a common theme. The theme for this year is “Traditional Costumes”.

The Cyprus stamp depicts two traditional costumes, one for women and one for men.

Cypriot costumes are of a conservative nature, but various and graceful. Each region in Cyprus had its own distinct every-day costume, with its unique characteristics in colour, fabric and decoration.

The main variations of the woman’s costume is the urban, the “Karpasiitiki” (named after the region of Karpasia, in the northeast of the island), the “Pafitiki” (named after the city of Pafos, in the west of the island) and the “orini” which was worn on the mountainous areas of Cyprus.

The basic part of the man’s costume is the multi-pleated “vraka”. Along with “vraka”, a dark, cotton, striped shirt was worn for everyday use and a silk one was worn to Sunday church service.

Malta 2019 - EUROMED, Traditional Costumes

Philatelic Postage stamp issue – EuroMed Postal ‘Traditional Costumes’ MaltaPost will be participating in a EuroMed Postal Union philatelic issue, themed ‘Traditional Costumes’ with a set of three stamps. Traditional Maltese clothes were primarily made from cotton. In fact at the time most of the available land was used to cultivate cotton. The natural colours of cotton were white, beige and brown, which is reflected in the choice of colours found in typical traditional Maltese costumes. The stamps will be issued in a sheet of 10 stamps, with each stamp measuring 44mm x 31mm, with a comb perforation of 14.0 x 13.9 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. The sheets measure 185mm x 114mm and were produced by Printex Ltd in the offset process. The issue consists of 400,000 of the €0.28 stamp, 40,000 of the €0.51 and 40,000 of the €1.25 stamp. The stamps set is designed by MaltaPost Creative Studio and the photography is by Heritage Malta. This philatelic issue will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo as from Tuesday 9th July 2019.

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 09 July 2019
Design: Malta Post p.l.c.
Photography: Heritage Malta
Perforation: 13.9 x 14.0 (comb)
Process: Offset
Sheet: Set of three stamps
Denominations: €0.28, €0.51, €1.25
Watermark: Maltese Crosses
Sheet Size: 185mm x 114mm
Stamp Size: 31mm x 44mm

The Postal Union for the Mediterranean (PUMed), forms part of the Universal Postal Union, and marks the Mediterranean region as a political, economic and social area.

Members within PUMed have come together to develop projects that will help each postal operator keep up with the challenges of the market. PUMed was established in March 2011 with its headquarters in Malta.

PUMed will be issuing a joint stamp issue bearing a common theme 'Traditional Costumes'.

Daily life in early modern Maltese history was very much dependent on economic traits, mainly divided in two distinct spheres. The Grand Harbour area was centred on maritime activity which along various centuries was fuelled by trade and industry. Strategic importance and wartime replenishment also generated years of considerable prosperity. The rest of the archipelago remained heavily reliant on agriculture up to the mid-twentieth century. This dichotomy finds its imprint in dress, since like all other forms of art, costumes reflect the society which produces them.

Traditional Maltese clothes were primarily made from cotton. In fact at the time most of the available land was used to cultivate cotton. The natural colours of cotton were white, beige and brown, which is reflected in the choice of colours found in typical traditional Maltese costumes. Sheep's wool was less used for clothing, but popular for domestic furnishing particularly blankets and sheets.
One costume in particular was the 'Ghonella', sometimes referred to as 'Faldetta'. This garment was a traditional Maltese headress for women which covered most of the body. This headress was generally made from black silk however there were other variations made from cotton, woven in different colours and style.