Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Belgium - Hergé, 1907 - 2007

For Hergé's centenary, the Belgian post-office is issuing in May 2007 a sheet of 25 stamps portraying the adventures of Tintin set in in different foreign languages. Also including Hérgé's portrait.

Issue : 22 May 2007

Finally, i got this minisheet...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Indonesia - Indonesian Traditional Costumes 2000

Indonesian Traditional Costumes
Declaration of birth of Indonesian nation and nationality, was launched in the third plenary session of the second Indonesia Youth Congress, 28 October 1928 which is performed by Indonesian Youth Organizations.
All son & daughters from various ethnical, religion and local languange background has declared their oath to possess: one of bloodshed; one of nation; and one of language, that is, Indonesia.
This historical event is then know as The Day of Youth Oath.
In coinciding with celebration of the 72th, on October 28, 2000 issues the "Indonesian Traditional Costumes" stamp series, depicting customary dresses from all Indonesia provinces.

Technical Details:
Issue Date: 28 October 2000
Designs: Indonesian Traditional Costumes
Denomination: 28 x IDR 900.-
Size: 48.00mm x 31.96mm
Perforation: 12.50mm x 12.50mm
Colours: 5 Colors + 1 Logo
Paper: White Unwatermarked
Gum: PVA
Printing Process: Combination of Offset & Rotogravure
Printing Quantity: 250,000 sets
Sheet Composition: 28 pieces (4x7) with gutter
Designed by: Yudah Noor
Printer: Perum Peruri

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Irian Jaya (Now as Papua), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Irian Jaya (Now Papua),
Papua have very specific costume and make-up rather different among others.
Asmat men put on head cover namely Kasuomer made of plaited leaves and roots with accessories feather of Cendrawasih or Kasuari bird.

They using a necklace made of seeds, teeth, animal's bone, or shells.
The women put similiar necklaces, and head accessories.

The accessories to be used containing symbolic meanings as an user identity.
Traditional costume of Papua experience an advance without leaving its specific character.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from North Moluccas (Maluku Utara), 2000

Traditional Costumes from North Moluccas (Maluku Utara),
The fashion mode style of traditional people of North Maluku influenced by costume mode of emperor of Ternate and Tidore.
For example Baju Koja (long flowing robe), this shirt usually was put on by prince and families in thte traditional ceremony, but now it can be worn by teenagers in the special event.
Bahu Koja is complemented by head tie (Taala Polulu). For a women usually wear long Kebaya cloth that have nine buttons added with jewelry and sandals.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Moluccas (Maluku), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Moluccas (Maluku),

The unique dress worn by Maluku women is Manampal coat which is a unique Ambon coat.
For formal ceremonies, Maluku men usually wear red or black color coat with laced under wear and belts.
The women wear Cele dress, a kind of coat, adorned with earrings, necklace, and rings.
The women usually bring Lenso Pinggang in certain ceremonies, that is a white handkerchief which is how rarely laid at hip.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from South East Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tenggara), 2000

Traditional Costumes from South East Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tenggara),
The daily costume for a men consist of Badhu, Bheta, Sala, and Songko (head tie) which are used at the home.
The formal costume for a men are headdress (Destar), coat, sarong, and trousers.
For a women, they wear Baju Kebaya (shirt), sarong, and flowers on her hair, and are completed with earrings, necklace, and bracelets.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from South Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan), 2000

Traditional Costumes from South Sulawesi (Sulawesi Selatan),
Traditional costume from Makassar such as Jas Tutu (coat), and Baju Bodo (long shirt) commonly was used in the certain ceremony.
Baju Labbu (women shirt) were complemented with Saloko (crown), Pinang Goyang (hair bun), earrings, and necklaces.
For a men usually be completedwith Sigarak (head tie), Keris (traditional knife), bracelets, and necklaces.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah),
The men's costume like an other costume from Sulawesi, undergone modifications to be simple and practical with the same accessories such as head tie and cloth belt.
The women wear Baju Fatimah Lola (shirt), Geno (terrace necklace), Lolo Kodi Mbaso (bracelets), Dalie Taroe (earings) and other head accessories.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara), 2000

Traditional Costumes from North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara),
The traditional costume Laku Tepu from Sangir Talaudnese commonly is put on at the spiritual ceremony.
Laku Tepu worn by a men its lenght reach to ankle.
By a men Laku Tepu were put on plus Salikuku (kind of belt made of cloth) and head tie that the high tip placed in front and the knot at back.

The women's costume are long Laku Tepu and Sarong with the accessories Bawandang Liku (shawl), earings, and Topo-Topo (a chignon).

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from East Borneo (Kalimantan Timur), 2000

Traditional Costumes from East Borneo (Kalimantan Timur),
Costume are worn by Dayak Modangnese consist of Baju Bisunung (shirt) and Celana Abet (short pants).
As an accessories these costume be complemented by shield for combat and Mandau (traditional knife) which are both used as a traditional weapon to oppose the enemy.
The other accessories are head covers made of plaited rattan (Beluko), and Uleng.
The men usually wear a necklace made of small stone and tiger's teeth.
The women wear Sapai (shirt) and Ta'ah (long skirt).
Enggang's feather to be created for decoration of Tapung (head tie) that it show's prestige and human dignity.

As a jewerly was used very unique necklace and bracelets.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from South Borneo (Kalimantan Selatan), 2000

Traditional Costumes from South of Borneo (Kalimantan Selatan),
The men's Banjarnese (the native people of South Kalimantan), wear a Taluk Balanga shirt and long trouser (salawar).
They put on headdress that have the form triangle called Laung Tajak Siak.
Laung Tajak Siak that made of velvet not only as a head cover but also believed as amulet to resist misfortune.
The women wear Kebaya matched with shawl Tapih Bahalel, headdress (Kakamban) added wire flower.
Another accessories are Pending (broach), pearl earrings, three pearl necklace (Samban), and Marjan necklace.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Central Borneo (Kalimantan Tengah), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Central Borneo (Kalimantan Tengah),
Dayaknese men in Middle of Kalimantan wear Sangkarut, kind of vest in Ngaju dialect.
Short pants is a loincloth covered by square cloth (Ewah). On the head is perched Salutup Hatue (headdress) combined with bird feather.
The women's have Salutup Bawi (kind of Salutup Hatue), vest, and woven skirt.
The pattern of clothes dominated by natural symbols particulary for women's costume.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from West Borneo (Kalimantan Barat), 2000

Traditional Costumes from West Borneo (Kalimantan Barat),
Traditional costume of Dayak, the native costume of the people of West Kalimantan is called King Baba (men's cloth) and King Bibinge (women's cloth).
The costume made of tree bark that processed to be soft.
Recently the costume is unpopular and changed by Baju Burai King Burai and Baju Manik King Manik.

The latest mode of traditional costume is Baju Manik King Manik for women, with clam shell accessories. Accessories on the head called Tengkulas with Ruai bird feather.
The men put on similar costume completed with vest, trosers, and cloth belt.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur), 2000

Traditional Costumes from East Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Timur),
The East Nusa Tenggara costume and it's ornamentis considered describle glory, bravery, and saintlines for user.
The Amarasi men, who are part of Dawan tribes in West Timor, usually wear Pilu (hat) from Batik printing or specified Flores hat, shoulder belts (Po'uk) and a kind of sheath or Taimuti.
There is general common in East Nusa Tenggara especially in Timor ad Sumba to wear crossway over their shoulders Kapisak or Aluk, which is made from leaf plait or squared linen.
The Amarasi women wear two pieces of weaved textiles as body-cover which are Tais or Tarunat and shoulder-belt.
In their foreheads adorned with a so-well-known-salled Pato Ebon.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat), 2000

Traditional Costumes from West Nusa Tenggara (Nusa Tenggara Barat),
The traditional women dresses are Lamung from fine and thin linen materials, Tope Belo, kind of long lady's skirt, Tope Pene, short skirt which is used outside Tope Belo.
In their shoulders usually put laid aside Kida Sanging, and their hair adorned with Sua'.
The traditional men dresses are usually used for Semawa society wedding ceremony.
They wear Gadu dress, long frousers (saluar), Tope Pene, belts and slipped creese with Kida Sanging hilted.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Bali, 2000

Traditional Costumes from Bali,
The traditional dresses worn by Baliness are always reffered to ritual ceremonies.
The Baliness men wear Kamben Endek or Stagen linen, white or yellow Saput clothes, Udheng Songket (linen), and slipped Sumpang flower in between their ears.
The Baliness women wear Tapih under-wear linen, Kamben Songket linen; Stagen beltsand Giwang Subeng (earrings).
Their hair adorned with Pusung Tagel and Kembang Goyang.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Banten, 2000

Traditional Costumes from Banten,
The Banten traditional costume from Serang territory is influenced by simplicity and naturally that come from Islamic noble nuance.
The motif of costume dominated by white color which contains a purity of the society that uncontaminated by outsiders.
The man wear Iket (head belt) and the women complemented with Kerudung (veil).

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from East Java (Jawa Timur), 2000

Traditional Costumes from East of Java (Jawa Timur),
The East of Java's costume present traditional costume from Madura.
The men wear black Pesa'an shirt that symbolize a bravery, firmness, and zestful.
Pesa'an shirt is combined with T-shirt motif red-white stripe, balck loose pants, wide belt, a shawl cloth on the shoulder, and head cloth.
The traditional head cloth called Odheng Santapan showing social status and culture identity.
The women put on a short Kebaya knotted the edge and is combined with short Batik Sarong, two hair pins, earrings, Penggel (tarsus rings).

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Yogyakarta Special Region (D.I. Yogyakarta), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Yogyakarta Special Region (D.I. Yogyakarta),
The costume showing user identity, therefore style of traditional fashion has been drawn up when, who, and where the costume will be worn.
The Yogyakarta's men wear close collar shirt and special Batik Blangkon, meanwhile the women put on Kebaya and cloth.
There are set of women's costume i.e; Kebaya green brocade with golden motif, flower broach, hair bun, roses on pair of ear, and five Cunduk Mentul (flower stalks).
All of the accessories is linked and matched with others.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Central Java (Jawa Tengah), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Central Java (Jawa Tengah),
The Central Java's men wear Jawi Jangkep costume that contains of Atela shirt, Udeng, Sikepan, Timang belt, and Warangka Ladrang Keris which is slipped at the Stangen (waist cloth).
A headdress name Blangkon made of Batik cloth with certainty pattern.
Kebaya shirt is put on by a woman complementary with Kemben (cloth belt), and Tapih Pinjung cloth.
The particulary Kebaya shirt looked at golden color and the special broach, otherwise on their hair perched hair bun with jasmines and other accessories.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from West Java (Jawa Barat), 2000

Traditional Costumes from West Java (Jawa Barat),
From once to the next era, Parahiyangan (Popular name of West Java) especially Priangan and Cirebon territory, improved their traditional fashion mode adjust to the change.
The role of the government influenced this change particulary in manners.
The men's (Jajaka) costume are long sleeve shirt combined with a harmony trousers and complemented Dodot cloth and Batik Dodot headdress.

The formal costumes for women (Mojang Priangan) are Kebaya, soft Batik cloth, harmony shawl, and sandals Selop.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Jakarta Special Capital Region (D.K.I. Jakarta), 2000

Traditional Costumes from Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta (D.K.I. Jakarta),
The men's Betawinese traditional costume is Shanghai mode coat and harmony pantalon, wounded by Lacan cloth at the waist, headdress (liskol) that made of Lokcan cloth, a Keris (creese) slipped into belt, and Pantofel shoes.
All of the accessories appear firmness and readiness that it's special characteristic of Betawinese.
The women's using Kebaya (specific women dress), Veil, Batik cloth, and Sandals.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Lampung, 2000

Traditional Costumes from Lampung,
Lampung is known as produsen of Tapis cloth that made of the elegant golden woven cloth.
The Tapis cloth is unique traditional costume from Lampung.
The men from "Sang Bumi" (The popular name of Lampung) wear Kikat (head cloth), Celancu (trouser), Sarong Songket, and Keris.
The women wear a vest, sarong, and completed by belt and Pending (broach). They put on hair bun that stabbed by wire flower.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Bengkulu, 2000

Traditional Costumes from Bengkulu,
Rejangnese's men wear a coat as a traditional costume which is affected by changing of culture.
It is different with others especially in using Destar (head cloth), Sarong, and Necklace made from jasmine.
The women appear with the simple elegant dress.
They wear short sleeve, silky sarong songket, gold carved necklace, bracelet, and little bit accesories.
These costume usually used in the wedding ceremony.

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from South Sumatra (Sumatra Selatan), 2000

Traditional Costumes from South Sumatra (Sumatra Selatan),
The South of Sumatra's costume is inspired by fashion mode from The Emperor of Palembang that held the power in 16th centuries up to the middle of 19th centuries.
The men wear Tanjak (batik head cloth), Chine's Collar Long Sleeve, wide trouser, songket cloth wound around a waist, and Keris (traditional weapon) slipped in to Badong (belt).
The women wear Baju Kooroong (special dress), Songket cloth, and Shawl.
Additional accesories are crown, triple terrace necklace, bracelet, and harmony sandals.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Indonesia - Traditional Costumes from Jambi, 2000

Traditional Costumes from Jambi,
Melayunese's men, Jambi, with traditional costumes Mandiangin, put on Lacak (head dress), Necklace and Pending (broach), Belt, and Keris (knife with woven of jasmine on the tip).
A songket shawl crisscross in the middle of body and sarong songket wound around a waist.
Special for the women teenager, they wear a dress and make up, wear a hair bun, added with other's head accesories such as a chignon and flowers.