Thursday, December 24, 2009

British Indian Ocean Territory (B.I.O.T) - Military Uniforms 2008

Issue on 03 March 2008
Primary theme: Military Uniforms
Width: 28.0 mm
Height: 42.0 mm
Denomination: 0.27 GBP; 0.54 GBP
Number in set: 6
Layout/Format: Sheet
Perforations: 14 by 14
Stamp issuing authority: British Indian Ocean Territory Administration
Printer: BDT International Security Printers

0.27 GBP - Royal Marines
0.27 GBP - Royal Engineers
0.54 GBP - Sepoys, East India Company Army
0.54 GBP - Sergeant, Royal Military Police
0.54 GBP - Officer, East India Company Army
0.54 GBP - Artillery Corps

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gibraltar - Royal Gibraltar Regiment 2008

Royal Gibraltar Regiment

The desire of the Gibraltarians to defend their homeland alongside the Garrison dates as far back as 1755 when the Genoese Guard mounted pickets at the land frontier. The Gibraltarians stepped forward again for the two World Wars, first as the Gibraltar Volunteer Corps and later the Gibraltar Defence Force (GDF). The GDF comprised artillery batteries and specialist sub-units. It was retained after the war to serve as a training establishment for National Service, becoming the Gibraltar Regiment in 1958. In 1971 HM The Queen granted Colours to the Regiment and on the same day the Regiment received the Freedom of the City of Gibraltar. In 1991 the Gibraltar Regiment took over duties as the resident battalion and was re-roled as an infantry unit. On Regimental Day in 1999 HM The Queen granted the Royal Title. The Regiment is responsible for the defence and security of Gibraltar, with tasks including Force Protection, offensive operations and assistance to civil powers in areas such as Public Order and Counter-Terrorism. The Regiment trains annually in UK and Morocco, working closely with the Joint Helicopter Force. Commitments in Africa have increased recently, with the Regiment providing training teams in Gambia, Senegal and Nigeria. The Regiment’s soldiers have served in every major British operation since 1991 including the first Gulf War, the Balkans, Northern Ireland and Sierra Leone, with soldiers currently in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Technical Description:

Illustrations: Jonathan Pointer
Design: Stephen Perera
Printer: BDT Security Printers, Ireland
Process: Offset Lithography
Stamp size: 26 x 48mm
Values: 10p x 3; 42p x 2; 44p x 2; 51p x 2; £2 /
Issue date: 11 November 2008

0.10 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Gibraltar Volunteer Corps, World War I
On the outbreak of hostilities in Europe in 1914 Gibraltarians were quick to step forward to serve in defence of Gibraltar, Britain and its allies. The Gibraltar Volunteer Corps paraded for the first time in John Mackintosh Square. It remained active until its disbandment in 1920.

0.10 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Gibraltar Defence Force, World War II

Well before the start of World War II, the Gibraltar Defence Force (GDF) was raised in 1939 by the Governor, General Ironside, in response to a popular desire among Gibraltarians to defend their homeland. The GDF's 3.7 inch Anti-Aircraft batteries (depicted on the stamp during a night attack on the rock) repelled attacks from Italian and Vichy French bombers.

0.10 Gibraltar Poundsterling - National Services, Buena Vista Barracks

National Service continued in Gibraltar until 1972, with young Gibraltarians men serving six months (later reduced to four months) with the Gibraltar Regiment. Thousands of Gibraltarians have fond memories of the Buena Vista parade square and the Buffadero Training Area on the southern end of the rock.

0.42 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Gibraltar Regiment, Infantry Company 1958-1999

Until its reorganisation as an Infantry Battalion in 1991 the Gibraltar Regiment maintained an infantry company as well as an artillery component. On the stamp, riflemen guard a Point of Entry (Hay's Level is situated in the Upper Rock area, near the Moorish Castle) while their company practises clearance of Gibraltar's unique tunnel system.

0.42 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Gibraltar Regiment, Thomson's Battery 1958-1991
Since its information in 1939 until its reorganisation in 1991, the Gibraltar Regiment maintained a battery of field artillery. Here, Thomson's Baterry fires a practise on the 105mm Light Gun, firing from Brewery Crusher to a target out at sea.

0.44 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Gibraltar Regiment, Air Defence Troop 1958-1991

As well as its baterry of field artillery the Gibraltar Regiment maintained an Air Defence Troop until becoming an infantry regiment in 1991. The Regiment's Blowpipe detachments (depicted on the stamp watching over the Strait of Gibraltar) were mobilised on Operation Clover in 1986, defending Gibraltar against possible Libyan air attacks.

0.44 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Royal Gibraltar Regiment, Guarding the Rock
The Royal Gibraltar Regiment's primary role remains to ensure the security of its homeland. This is rehearsed often in realistic exercises. Here, a soldier from G Company observes approaches to Middle Hill Signal Station, one of the highest points on the Rock, during Exercise Barbary Shield in 2007.

0.51 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Royal Gibraltar Regiment, Training African Peacekeepers

Since 2000, the Royal Gibraltar Regiment has fostered relations in Africa, notably by its annual exercise with Morroco's Royal Armed Forces. Recently the Regiment has sent training teams throughout West Africa. Here a Royal Gibraltar Regiment Lance Corporal teaches mine clearance drills to Gambian soldiers preparing for peace keeping operations in Darfur.

0.51 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Royal Gibraltar Regiment, Operations in Iraq

Since involvement in the coalition's intervention in 2003, the Royal Gibraltar Regiment has contributed to the normalisation of Iraq. Here, a Lance Corporal of the Royal Gibraltar Regiment wins "the Battle for Hearts and Minds" by chatting to local children as he patrols Basra in 2006.

0.51 Gibraltar Poundsterling - Royal Gibraltar Regiment, Operations in Afghanistan
As well as operations in Iraq, many Royal Gibraltar Regiment Soldiers have served in Afghanistan, often in key appointments among British forces there. On the stamp, a Royal Gibraltar Regiment Private helps to reassure a villager of Nowzad while operating against Taliban in Helmand province in 2007.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1969


1D (pence)
Uniform of an Officer, Royal Artillery, 1758. Contemporary Cap Badge is depicted. Since 1704 Gunners have served in Gibraltar and have played a most prominent part in its defence, particularly in the sieges of the 18th century.

6D (pence)
Contemporary Uniform and Cap Badge of a Soldier of the Royal Anglian Regiment. The Royal Anglian Regiment bears the Arms of Gibraltar in its Badge. It incorporates three Regiments which defended the Rock durings the Great Siege 1779-1783.

9D (pence)
Uniform of a Soldier Artificer, Royal Engineers, 1786. Contemporary Cap Badge is depicted. The Royal Engineers have served in this Garrison with great distinction both in Peace and War. It could be said that this Corps was born in Gibraltar.

2S (shillings)
Uniform of a Private of Fox’s Marines, 1704. Contemporary crest is depicted. The word ‘GIBRALTAR’ included in the Badge of the Royal Marines commemorates the Capture and Defence of the Rock in 1704-1705.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1970


2D (pence)
Uniform of an Officer of the Royal Scots, 1839. Contemporary cap badge is depicted.

5D (pence)
Uniform of a Private of the South Wales Borderers. Contemporary badge is depicted.

7D (pence)
Uniform of a Private of the Queen’s Royal Regiment, 1742. Contemporary cap badge is depicted.

2S (shillings)
Contemporary uniforms and cap badge of the Pipes of the Royal Irish Rangers, 1969.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1971


A soldier of the Black Watch (42nd Foot) the senior Highland Regiment in 1845. The 42nd has served seven times in Gibraltar since 1795. It left the Rock in 1808 to help drive Napoleon out of Spain. They helped to construct the famous tunnels and defences of the Rock during the 2nd World War.

A Drum major of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers in 1971. Composed of four famous foot regiments, the 5th and 20th which defended Gibraltar in 1727 and the 6th and 7th which, like the former, fought on the side of Spain in the Peninsular War 1808-1814.
The antelope mascot was inherited from the Royal Warwickshire Fusiliers.

A soldier of the Kings Own Royal Regiment (4th Foot) in 1704. Raised to defend Tangier the 4th later took part in the capture and subsequent defence of Gibraltar in 1704-1705. With the 34th (Border) Regiment, which defended the Rock during the 1727 siege, it now forms the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment. Both helped to drive the French from Spain in the Peninsular War 1808-1814.

A soldier of the Dorsetshire Regiment (39th Foot) in 1801 The 39th defended Gibraltar in the sieges of 1727 and 1779-1783 taking part in the Great Sortie. With the 54th Foot it joined the Devonshire Regiment to form the present Devonshire and Dorsetshire Regiment. The 39th served with the Spaniards against Napoleon in the Peninsular War. Their successors served on the Rock during the 2nd World War.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1972


A soldier of Fox’s Regiment in 1704. Raised in 1702 and known later as the 32nd Foot or The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, the Regiment was at the capture and subsequent defence of Gibraltar in 1704-1705 and served with distinction in the Peninsular War helping to drive the French out of Spain. Its many battle honours include Lucknow, Quatre Bras and Waterloo. It is now part of the Light Infantry.

An officer of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps in 1830. Raised in North America in 1755 it became the 60th Foot and was formed into the first rifle regiment in the British Army in 1797 It claims the longest list of battle honours in the Army including ten earned while helping the Spaniards in the Peninsular War. It now forms part of the Royal Green Jackets.

An officer of the North Hampshire Regiment in 1825. Raised in 1702 and known as Ponsonby’s Regiment it became the 37th Foot in 1782 and absorbed the 67th Regiment in 19881 to become the Hampshire Regiment (later Royal Hampshire Regiment). The 67th had been raised in 1756 as part of the 20th Foot. Among its many battle honours is Barrosa fought a few miles from Gibraltar. The badge is that of the Royal Hampshire Regiment.

A sailor of the Royal Navy in 1972. The Royal Navy played a great part in the capture of Gibraltar in 1704 and ever since has sailed from the Rock to gain fresh laurels in war and peace. A Naval Brigade helped to defend the Rock in the Great Siege 1779-1983 taking part in the famous sortie of 1781, and it was to Gibraltar that HMS Victory came to repair after Trafalgar in 1805 with the body of Admiral Nelson abroad.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1973


A fifer of The King’s Own Scottish Borderers in 1770. Raised in Edinburgh in four hours in 1689 to defend the City against James II, and established as The Edinburgh Regiment in 1689. The Regiment became the 25th Foot in 1751 and King’s Own Scottish Borderers in 1887. Among its battle honours are Namur 1695 and Minden 1759. It defended the Rock in the siege of 1727 and the Great Siege 1782-1783.

An officer of the Royal Welch Fusiliers in 1800. Raised by Lord Herbert in 1689, the 23rd Foot has always been connected with Wales. It was Queen Anne who styled the Regiment “Our Royal Regiment of Welch Fuziliers” in 1712. Amongst the twenty nine Battle Honours emblazoned on the Regimental Colour & Namur 1695, Minden, Waterloo, as well as Albuhera, Badajoz, Salamanca and Victoria in the Peninsular War.

A soldier of the 5th Foot circa 1736. The 5th Foot (later the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers) was raised in Dutch service in 1674 from veterans of British units disbanded by Charles II. Arriving from Holland with William III the Regiment joined the English Service in 1688. Among its battle honours are the Boyne 1690, Wilhelmstahl 1762 and twelve in the Peninsular War for actions in Spain against the French. It defended the Rock in the Siege of 1727.

A Private of the First of Grenadier Regiment of Foot Guards in marching order, 1898. Formed in 1656 by King Charles II while in exile in Bruges, the title of Grenadier Guards was granted for great gallantry at Waterloo in 1815. The Regiment’s Battle Honours include Tangier 1680, Gibraltar 1704-1705, and Corunna, Barrosa, and Nive when fighting with Spain against the French int the Peninsular War The Grenadier Guards now have two battalions.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1974


An Officer of the 30th Foot in 1742. The Regiment was formed by Lord Castleton in 1689. It was disbanded in 1689 and reformed by Saunderson in 1702. It earned its first battle honour at Gibraltar in 1704-1705 and served in the Peninsular War helping the Spaniards against the French and was at Waterloo in 1815. In 1881 it absorbed the 59th Foot which has defended the Rock in the Great Siege 1782-1783 and also served in the Peninsula.
In 1958 it amalgamated with the South Lancashire Regiment (the Prince of Wales Volunteers) to form the Lancashire Regiment (Prince of Wales Volunteers) and in 1970 this regiment amalgamated with the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) to form the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment. The 30th Foot has served n Gibraltar on nine occasions.

A Sergeant of the 13th Foot in 1833. Raised in 1685 as Huntingdon’s Regiment of Foot and in 1702 redesignated as Barrymore’s Regiment, the 13th Foot defended Gibraltar in the 12th Siege in 1727 and served as cavalry at Almanza in 1707. In 1842 it heroically defended Jellalabad and became the 13th (1st Somersetshire) (Prince Albert’s Light Infantry). It amalgamated with the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry in 1959, and in 1968 it became part of Light Infantry with the Light Division. It has served in Gibraltar on ten occasions.

A Company man of the 35th Foot in 1790. Formed in Belfast in 1701 by Lord Donegal the 35th Foot earned its first battle honour defending Gibraltar in 1704-1705 and its “Roussillon” plume in Quebec in 1759. Its King’s Colour was the first British flag raised over Malta in 1801. It became the Sussex Regiment in 1804 and the Royal Sussex Regiment in 1832. In 1881 the 107th (Bengal Infantry) Regiment became the 2nd Batalion of the Royal Sussex. In 1966 it became the 3rd Bn. The Queen’s Regiment. It has served in Gibraltar on 4 occasions.

An Officer of the Royal Air Force in 1974. The RAF was formed on April 1, 1918 by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service and during the remaining months of the 1914-1918 War achieved supremacy on the Western Front against fierce enemy opposition. During the 1939-1945 War, the events which took place in British skies between July and October 1940, the Battle of Britain, are now recognized as one of the great turning points of history.
The RAF operated from Gibraltar throughout World War II, providing an invaluable contribution to the Allied Victory in North Africa and the Meditteranean.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1975


An Officer of the 31st Foot in 1846. Raised as Villiers’ Marines in 1702, it was engaged under Colonel Luttrell at the capture and defence of Gibraltar 1704-1705. It became the 31st Foot in 1754 and The East Surrey Regiment in 1881. Dettingen 1743, Sobraon 1846 and Somme 1916 are also prominent amongst its battle honours which include Talavera, Vittoria and Albuhera for fighting in Spain against the French during the Peninsular War. This Regiment now forms part of The Queen’s Regiment.

A private of the 73rd Lord McLeod’s Highlanders 1777. The Highland Light Infantry was raised as 73rd Regiment McLeod’s Highlanders in 1777. The 2nd Battalion sailed for Gibraltar in 1780 and served with distinction until the end of the Great Siege 1783, taking part in the famous Sortie. It became the 71st Regiment in 1786 and the Highland Light Infantry in 1809. In 1881 it amalgamated with the 74th Highlanders. Oustanding among other battle honours are Assaye and Waterloo. In 1959 the Highland Light Infantry joined in partnership with the Royal Scots Fusiliers to form the Royal Highland Fusiliers.

An officer of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards 1704. The Coldstream Guards, raised in 1650 as Colonel Monck’s Regiment of Foot, was the only infantry regiment not disbanded at Charles II’s restoration in 1660. They served at Tangier 1680-1683 and distinguished themselves at Gibraltar during the siege of 1704-1705 particularly in the defence of the Round Tower. Inkerman and Ypres 1914 also stand out among their many battle honours which include Talavera, Barrosa, Fuentesd’Onor and Salamanca, in the Peninsular war when they assisted the Spaniards to drive out Napoleon’s Army.

A sergeant of the Gibraltar Regiment 1974. The Gibraltar Regiment, formed in 1939 as the Gibraltar Defence Force, inherits traditionals going back to 1713. Since then, at various periods, Gibraltarians have manned the Rock’s outposts, served during its sieges, manned its transport services, served abroad as a transport unit at the battle of Suakin 1883, and raised the Gibraltar Volunteers Corps in 1915-1919. On cessation of hostilities in 1945 a small cadre was retained for training conscripts. Renamed the Gibraltar Regiment in 1958 it has been manned by volunteers since conscription ceased in 1971.

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1976


Suffolk Regiment
A private of the 12th east Suffolk Regiment 1795.
The Duke of Norfolk’s Regiment, raised in 1685, became the 12th Foot in 1751, the 12th East Suffolk Regiment in 1782 and Suffolk Regiment in 1881. Among its many battle honours are Dettingen 1743, Minden 1759 and Seringapatam 1799.
The 12th wears the Arms of Gibraltar as its crest in recognition of its part in defending the Rock throughout the Great Siege 1779-1983. After amalgamation with the Royal Norfolk Regiment. It now forms part of the Royal Anglian Regiment.

Northamptonshire Regiment
A private of the 58th Foot 1779.
Raised in 1755 as the 60th Foot, it became the 58th in 1757, the 58th Rutlandshire Regiment in 1782 and the 2nd Bn. Northamptonshire Regiment in 1881. After early battle honours gained in the Americas, the 58th came to Gibraltar and served throughout the Great Siege 1779-1783 for which it was awarded the Arms of Gibraltar as a crest.
It gave heroic service in Egypt 1801. At Salamanca, Burgos, Vittoria and the Pyrenees 1812-1813 it assisted in defeating the French invaders of Spain. It now forms part of the Royal Anglian Regiment.

Lancashire Fusiliers
A private of the 20th East Devonshire Regiment 1793.
Payton’s Regiment raised in 1688, became the 20th East Devonshire Regiment in 1782 and The Lancashire Fusiliers in 1881. Arriving in Gibraltar in 1713 it remained to take part in the glorious defence during the siege of 1727. Among its Battle Honours are Dettingen 1743 and Minden 1759, while at Vimiera, Corunna, Vittoria and the Pyrenees 1808-1813 it earned distinction helping to drive the French out of Spain.
At the landing at Cape Helles Gallipoli in 1915 the 20th gained “Six Victoria Crosses before breakfast”.
The Regiment now forms part of The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

Royal Ordnance
A quartermaster Sergeant of the Army Ordnance Corps 1896.
The Royal Army Ordnance Corps traces its origin to medieval times. The first overseas Ordnance Depot was established in Gibraltar in 1704 following the surrender of the Rock by the Spaniards. Since then it maintained services and supplies, despite great difficulties and throughout the various sieges until 1963 when the Royal Navy took on the task. The Corps, which became a military body in 1865, is still represented in Gibraltar by a Warrant Officer on technical duties. It gained its “Royal” title for outstanding services in the 1914-1918 War.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Thailand - Traditional Thai Puppet (3D Stamps) 2009


Concepts of magic. Postage stamp on the Thai. Through a set of special stamps with printing techniques created three-dimensional animation (3D Motion Stamp) first. When used with small puppet theater Jo - Louis. That is one of the wonders of Thai contemporary drama that has won worldwide. This set of stamps on the enable images seem to have a virtual puppet.

Technical Details:
Issue name: Thailand Philatelic Exhibition 2009 Commemorative Stamps - Thai Puppet Shows
Issue date: 04 August 2009
Purpose: To commemorate Thailand Philatelic Exhibition 2009, held between 4-9 August 2009 at Siam Paragon Department Store, Bangkok
Design: Illustrating Thai traditional puppet performances
Perforations: 16.50mm x 16.50mm
Size: 54 x 37 mm. (Horizontal-measured from perforation to perforation)

Denomination: 25 Baht (2 designs)
Bringing Hun Lakorn Lek to Life (World Premier First 3D Motion Stamp of Thailand)
Quantity of stamps: 600,000 pieces per design
Composition: 4 stamps per sheet
Printing Process: Motion Print Multi-colour
Designer: Mayuree Narknisorn
Issue by: Thailand Post Company Limited)

Souvenir Sheet Price: 50.00 Baht
Quantity of Souvenir Sheet: 100,000 Sheets
Outer Aspect, New Zealand


Hun Lakorn Lek, a type of traditional Thai puppetry, was developed by Kru Krae Sapthawanich on the model of the Ramayana Thai puppets originated in the court of Krom Phra Ratchawang been transmitted to the present day through the dedicated work of Kru Sakorn Youngkhiewsod, also known as "Joe Louis", and members of his family. The first public performance of Hun Lakorn Lek was given at Joe Louis Theater in 1985. H.R.H. Princess Galayani Vadhana later renamed this theater to the "Nattayasala Hun Lakorn Lek" Theater.

The major driving force behiknd the amazingly life-like performance of Hun Lakorn Lek puppetry is the puppet artists themselves who, through their expert Khon performance skills, bring these puppets to live. Three puppet artists are required to manipulate each ppuppet. To give a faultless performance all there artists must be able to fuse their throughs and mind together and perform as one person.

The story of traditional thai puppet (Jo-Louis)

Thai in 1984, Sakorn set up a booth at the annual Suan Amporn Fair in Bangkok to demonstrate the ancient art of making khon masks. He took with him to the booth the puppet of the old hermit from the Ramakian he had made. The puppet attracted attention, and when the Tourism Authority of Thailand discovered that this impoverished old man was the last living person who knows the art of theatrical puppetry, it offered him money to make more puppets and revive performances. The following year, Sakorn and his children gave a performance at the fair. He named the troupe Hun Lakorn Lek( Joe Louis), Sakorn Natasilp Troupe: Maestro Krae's Grandchildrens Lakorn Lek. The revival was welcomed but there was not enough demand for performances for it to be sustainable or viable as a livelihood.

In 1996, the Commission for National Culture nominated Sakorn for the title of National Artist (Performing Arts Category: Small Theatrical Puppetry). This nomination was made in the name of His Majesty the King, in whose name the honorific title of National Artist was bestowed. The accompanying medal was awarded by Her Royal Highness Princess Sirinthorn, daugther of His Majesty. This recognition enabled Sakorn and his children to raise enough money to open a small puppet theatre near their home in Nontaburi province. The theater was consecrated on 28th December 1999, and the first performance was given on 3rd January 2000. The theater was called the Joe Louis Theater. The revival was still not successful: the theater was rudimentary and too remote from the metropolis, and few went to see it. In May 2002, the theater was moved to its present and more central location at the Suan Lum Night Bazaar in Bangkok.

On 10th July 2002, Her Royal Highness Princess Sirinthorn, His Majesty's daughter, officially opened the theatre and unveiled the plaque. On 5th December 2004, Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana, sister of His Majesty the King, re-named the theater Nattayasala Hun Lakorn Lek(Joe Louis) in Thai and The Traditional Thai Puppet Theater in English. The Traditional Thai Puppet Theater Foundation is under Her Royal Highness's patronage.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tristan da Cunha - Military Uniforms 2008

Military Uniforms
Released on 3rd March 2008 and available as:
2008 6 stamps (£1 x 2; 20p x 2; 15p x 2) for £2.70 (as shown)

2008 ~ Mounted Dragoons Officer - top left ~ for 90p
2008 ~ Corporal Royal Artillery - top right ~ for 90p
2008 ~ RA Lieutenant - bottom left ~ for £1.20

2008 ~ RA Private - bottom centre~ for £1.20
2008 ~ Cape Regiment - top centre ~ for £6

2008 ~ R S A Engineering Corps ~ bottom right ~ for £6

Monday, December 7, 2009