Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1969


1D (pence)
Uniform of an Officer, Royal Artillery, 1758. Contemporary Cap Badge is depicted. Since 1704 Gunners have served in Gibraltar and have played a most prominent part in its defence, particularly in the sieges of the 18th century.

6D (pence)
Contemporary Uniform and Cap Badge of a Soldier of the Royal Anglian Regiment. The Royal Anglian Regiment bears the Arms of Gibraltar in its Badge. It incorporates three Regiments which defended the Rock durings the Great Siege 1779-1783.

9D (pence)
Uniform of a Soldier Artificer, Royal Engineers, 1786. Contemporary Cap Badge is depicted. The Royal Engineers have served in this Garrison with great distinction both in Peace and War. It could be said that this Corps was born in Gibraltar.

2S (shillings)
Uniform of a Private of Fox’s Marines, 1704. Contemporary crest is depicted. The word ‘GIBRALTAR’ included in the Badge of the Royal Marines commemorates the Capture and Defence of the Rock in 1704-1705.

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