Thursday, December 17, 2009

Gibraltar - Military Uniforms 1975


An Officer of the 31st Foot in 1846. Raised as Villiers’ Marines in 1702, it was engaged under Colonel Luttrell at the capture and defence of Gibraltar 1704-1705. It became the 31st Foot in 1754 and The East Surrey Regiment in 1881. Dettingen 1743, Sobraon 1846 and Somme 1916 are also prominent amongst its battle honours which include Talavera, Vittoria and Albuhera for fighting in Spain against the French during the Peninsular War. This Regiment now forms part of The Queen’s Regiment.

A private of the 73rd Lord McLeod’s Highlanders 1777. The Highland Light Infantry was raised as 73rd Regiment McLeod’s Highlanders in 1777. The 2nd Battalion sailed for Gibraltar in 1780 and served with distinction until the end of the Great Siege 1783, taking part in the famous Sortie. It became the 71st Regiment in 1786 and the Highland Light Infantry in 1809. In 1881 it amalgamated with the 74th Highlanders. Oustanding among other battle honours are Assaye and Waterloo. In 1959 the Highland Light Infantry joined in partnership with the Royal Scots Fusiliers to form the Royal Highland Fusiliers.

An officer of the Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards 1704. The Coldstream Guards, raised in 1650 as Colonel Monck’s Regiment of Foot, was the only infantry regiment not disbanded at Charles II’s restoration in 1660. They served at Tangier 1680-1683 and distinguished themselves at Gibraltar during the siege of 1704-1705 particularly in the defence of the Round Tower. Inkerman and Ypres 1914 also stand out among their many battle honours which include Talavera, Barrosa, Fuentesd’Onor and Salamanca, in the Peninsular war when they assisted the Spaniards to drive out Napoleon’s Army.

A sergeant of the Gibraltar Regiment 1974. The Gibraltar Regiment, formed in 1939 as the Gibraltar Defence Force, inherits traditionals going back to 1713. Since then, at various periods, Gibraltarians have manned the Rock’s outposts, served during its sieges, manned its transport services, served abroad as a transport unit at the battle of Suakin 1883, and raised the Gibraltar Volunteers Corps in 1915-1919. On cessation of hostilities in 1945 a small cadre was retained for training conscripts. Renamed the Gibraltar Regiment in 1958 it has been manned by volunteers since conscription ceased in 1971.

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