Sunday, December 1, 2019

North Korea 2019 - Korean Folk Customs

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 22 November 2019
Size of Stamp: 59.5 x 31.5 mm
Denomination: 50 won x 4
Price: $2.00 (4 stamps perf)
Designer: Kim Won Myong, Kang Chol U
Printing: Offset
Sheet Composition: 4 x 5
Quantity: 30.000 (Perforation) ; 2.000 (Imperforation)

The Korea Stamp Corporation has published a stamp series showing Korean folk customs from “the period of the feudal Joson dynasty” and Koguryo.

According to Korea Stamp Corporation, “Folk games Koreans have played traditionally include hunting contest, ssirum (Korean style of wrestling), tug of war, jumping seesaw, swinging, janggi (Korean chess), paduk (go), yut, konu, singing and dancing by peasants, top-spinning, rope skipping, kite flying and sleighing.” The Korean terms for these activities are 사냥경기, 씨름, 바줄당기기, 널뛰기, 그네뛰기, 장기, 바둑, 윷놀이, 고누, 농악놀이, 팽이치기, 줄넘기, 연띄우기 and 썰매타기.

The stamps in the series have the following value/ design:

50 Won - Hunting contest (In The Period of Koguryo)
50 Won - Ssirum (Korean Wrestling) (In The Period of The Feudal Joson Dynasty)
50 Won - Tug of War (In The Period of The Feudal Joson Dynasty)
50 Won - Jumping Seesaw (In The Period of The Feudal Joson Dynasty)

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