Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Slovenia 2019 - EUROMED, Costumes of The Mediterranean

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 08 July 2019
Designer: Edi Berk
Illustrator: Saša Šantel
Printer: Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia
Perforation: Comb 14 : 14
Stamp: Size 29,82 x 42,60 mm
Printing Process: Layout 4-colour offset in sheets of 25 stamps
Paper Tullis Russell Chancellor Litho PVA RMS GUM, 102 g/m2
Quantity: 40,000 stamps

Costume of Barcola and Servola

Picturesqueness even in the style of dress

Costumes of the Mediterranean is the common theme chosen by the postal operators of the Postal Union for the Mediterranean (Euromed Postal) for this year’s stamp. Slovenia is represented on this occasion by the country’s coastal and maritime region in its entirety, including those parts of neighbouring Italy that were and still are traditionally home to a Slovene population. The region’s costumes or modes of dress were painstakingly documented in watercolours by the Slovene painter Saša Šantel (1883–1945) in the 1930s.

The stamp features his portrayals of a man and a woman in the typical costumes of the mandrieri – the members of the Slovene farming and herding community living in the environs of the city of Trieste. The man is shown in the costume of Barcola (Barkovlje in Slovene), while the woman wears the costume of Servola (Škedenj in Slovene).

Both are very good examples of a mode of dress that has already been documented for the second half of the nineteenth century. The man’s costume is notable for the characteristic breeches (brente or barješe). The shortness of this garment was a more or less obligatory part of the costume, since it was considered shameful for a young woman to associate with a man wearing long trousers. Other characteristic features of the man’s costume included blue stockings known as kocjete, an otter fur hat or frkindež for the winter and important holidays, and low open shoes known as šulni. Women (mandriere) wore a short sleeved blouse or ople?a and a skirt with a bodice or fanelca. The bodices of young, unmarried women were lighter in colour, while those of married women were made of darker fabric, often black or purple, and decorated with floral patterns. The colour of the skirt differed from the colour of the apron, over which women wore a broad sash of either a single colour or several colours, tied on the left-hand side. The headscarf was richly embroidered and bordered with lace. Small scarfs or collars (ovratniki) were worn over the shoulders and back. The male and female costumes depicted here reflect colourful Mediterranean influences that add to their picturesque appearance.

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