Sunday, December 30, 2018

Curacao 2014 - 200th Anniversary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Technical Details:
Issue Date: 19 January 2015
Designer: Richmond Gijsbertha
Printer: Johan Enschede Security Printers Haarlem, the Netherlands
Process: Offset
Colours: 4
Size: 36 mm x 26.1 mm

Values: 65c. 119c, 177c. 183c, 305c, 434c

About Carnival
Related to the 45th Carnival anniversary of Curacao, Cpost international has released a series of six (6) stamps.

Curacao Carnival is one of the largest and most important cultural events in the Caribbean which brings together more than 40 ethnic groups. beginning early in January with the Tumba Festivaland ending the day before Ash Wednesday.

Carnival is a celebration in a class of its own. It more or less takes full possession of the wholecommunity through competitions in Tumba Festival in which the best of the island's musicianscompete to have their creations selected as the official Carnival parade song. The winner of thecompetition becomes “Rei di Tumba” (King of Tumba).

Competitions in beauty pageants, private and public parties and street parades during the firstweeks of the year climax in an extravagant parade during the weekend, the grand parade.

Carnival ends with the ritual burning of the straw “Rei Momo" representing the elements thatmust be cleansed and destroyed before Spring begins.

The artwork on the stamps are Carnival costumes and masks of among others the teen parade,the horse parade and the grand parade.

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