Thursday, December 13, 2018

Greece 2018 - 150 Years Presidential Guard

Technical Details:
Date of Issued: 12 December 2018
Dimensions: 30 X 42 mm in sheets of 25
Design: Kostas I. Spyriounis
Adaptation: Theano Venieri
Printing Method: Multicolored (Offset)
Printers: Veridos Matsoukis S.A. Security Printing

The first pages in the history of the Presidential Guard were written on 12 December 1868, when a Royal Decree was issued by King George I establishing a ceremonial and combat unit – or “Agema” – which would stand as an example to the rest of the Army, consisting as it did of non-commissioned officers who had distinguished themselves by their military virtue.

Over time, changes were made both to its name and composition, and to its mission. However, what remained unchanged was its quality.

Greece’s highest-ranking ceremonial unit comprises the elite of the Hellenic Army, distinguished by their physique, unshakeable faith in their mission and their morality, making the Presidential Guard a national symbol.

The Evzones, as they are known, are synonymous with freedom, bravery and gallantry, and it is a rare Greek who is not moved with emotion at the sight of their impressive marching step. People of all countries respond with admiration and respect if they are fortunate enough to see them, often seeking a photograph with them.

The Presidential Guard, worthily continuing its glorious 150-year history, is a proud guardian of our history, values and culture.

0,05 Euro - Presidential Guard’s Officers (Quantity: 750.000)
0,10 Euro - Pair of Evzones guarding the Monument of the Unknown Soldier (Quantity: 750.000)
0,20 Euro - Squad of Evzones at the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis (Quantity: 750.000)
1,00 Euro - Evzone in Winter Uniform (doulamas) Guarding the Monument of the Unknown Soldier (Quantity: 1.000.000)
2,00 Euro - Raising the flag at the Sacred Rock of the Acropolis (Quantity: 1.000.000)


The Presidential Guard (GreekΠροεδρική Φρουράtranslit. Proedrikí Frourá) is a ceremonial infantry unit that guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion in AthensGreece. The unit is distinguished as the last unit of Evzones in the Hellenic Army, and is closely associated with the traditional Evzone's uniform, which evolved from the clothes worn by the klephts in the Greek War of Independence. The most visible item of this uniform is the fustanella, a kilt-like garment. In 1868–1914 and 1937–1973 (with interruptions), the guard also included a cavalry company. 

The present Presidential Guard was first established by Royal Decree on 24 December [O.S. 12 December] 1868, as an independent battalion-sized unit, called the Agema (Greek: Ἂγημα, "escort"), and comprising a staff, two Evzone infantry companies, and one cavalry company. The commander was to be a Colonel or General officer, with a Major as his deputy; the staff was further complemented by five junior officers and 15 NCOs and adjutants. Each infantry company comprised 4 officers and 115 NCOs and men, and the cavalry company 4 officers and 96 NCOs and men. All NCOs were to be of excellent conduct, with at least four years service in the Army or the Gendarmerie, literate, and at least 1,64 m in height. To add to its prestige, all NCOs and men of the Agema ranked one rank higher than their nominal rank, so that all ordinary soldiers were equivalent to a lance-corporal. In addition, it was given the right to stand always to the right (the position of honour) of all other units deployed in a line, was removed from the authority of any other military jurisdiction other than that of its commander, and was assigned 50 ordinary soldiers to take care of all menial tasks and to serve as orderlies to the officers.


Its composition remained unaltered during the reign of King George I (r. 1863–1913), but under his successor, King Constantine I (r. 1913–1917, 1920–1922), a Royal Decree on 21 March 1914 reorganized it as the Palace Guard (Ἀνακτορική Φρουρά), comprising just two platoons, one of Evzones, and one of Cretans. Due to the National Schism, the latter was abolished in 1916.[3]
On 24 March 1924, with King George II (r. 1922–1924, 1935–1946) having already left the country, the monarchy was abolished and the Second Hellenic Republic proclaimed. Law 4321 of 1926 established aGuard Company of the President of the Republic (Λόχος Φρουρᾶς τοῡ Προέδρου τῆς Δημοκρατίας) of c. 250 men as replacement for the Palace Guard.[3] Following the restoration of the monarchy under George II in 1935, the Presidential Guard Company was again renamed to Palace Guard and then Royal Guard (Βασιλική Φρουρά). By 1937, the Royal Guard Cavalry Company (Ἴλη Βασιλικῆς Φρουρᾶς) had also been reconstituted.
Following the German invasion of Greece in April 1941 and the onset of the occupation by the Axis powers, King George II and the government left the country, but the guard remained in Athens; numbering some 150 men, it continued to guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, under the designation of Flag Guard (Φρουρά Σημαῖας) and Guard of the Unknown Soldier (Φρουρά Ἀγνώστου Στρατιώτη). It retained the name of Flag Guard even after liberation in 1944, since the issue of the monarchy was left open. Only with the referendum of 1946 was the monarchy confirmed, and King George II returned from exile, whereupon the guard reassumed the designations of Palace Guard and Royal Guard. During the Greek Civil War, its strength was increased to 300 men, being reduced after to 250.
In 1973, following the first abolition of the monarchy by the dictator Georgios Papadopoulos, the guard was renamed as the Presidential Guard (Προεδρική Φρουρά). The Guard's Cavalry Company was permanently disbanded shortly after. Following therestoration of democracy in 1974, the guard retained the name of Presidential Guard, which it bears to this day.


Change of the guard at theOld Royal Palace, early 20th century
The Presidential Guard is a purely ceremonial unit, charged with providing permanent ceremonial guard detachments of two Evzones each for the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the entrance to the Presidential Mansion, and one Evzone for its own barracks, the Georgios Tzavellas Camp, situated directly in front of the Presidential Mansion.[6] It also provides personnel for the solemn raising and lowering of the Greek flag on the Acropolis of Athens, honour guards during foreign head of state visits, and participation in military parades both inside and outside Greece, most notably during the Greek Independence Day celebrations on 25 March in New York and Chicago.[7] Detachments of the Guard have also occasionally participated in Greek Independence Day celebrations in MelbournePhiladelphia, and elsewhere.
The Guard takes precedence in all military parades. Their march style consists of normal march time, and at intervals, for several paces, striking the ground forcefully with the right foot. Their standard marching music is the "Evzonaki" ("little Evzone") (GreekΕυζωνάκι) march, played at 48 beats/min. Guards on duty perform their movements in a very slow and highly stylized manner. They switch positions with each other every fifteen minutes and remain completely motionless and at attention in the meantime. Since the Guards are required to be totally still at all times, there is one Evzone in normal fatigues uniform and police surveillance to ensure that no one approaches or harasses the Guards while on duty. The "little changes" take place every hour on the hour, and involve the two incoming and two outgoing sentries, and a supervising "Corporal of the Change". The Grand Change takes place at 11 am on Sunday mornings, and involves the whole Guard with its officers and a military band, all marching from the Guard Barracks to the Tomb for the Change, and back. The Grand Change is a popular Sunday morning spectacle for Athenians and tourists alike.
During a demonstration in front of the Parliament in 2001, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at one of the guardhouses. The wooden construction was engulfed in flames. The Evzone on guard next to it remained in place until an officer gave him the order to move. With a scorched and partly smoking uniform on one side, the Evzone did so.
In January 2010, a makeshift bomb was placed 20 meters from where the Evzones guard the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, at Syntagma Square. Although the police informed the Evzones of the imminent threat, the Guards refused to leave their posts and remained on guard while the bomb exploded.
All Evzones are volunteers drawn from the Hellenic Army's Infantry Corps. Prospective Evzones are initially identified at the Infantry Recruit Training Centres during Basic Training; there is a minimum height requirement of 1.87 m (6' 1") to join.


Ceremonial Uniforms

Evzones with the traditional full dress ceremonial uniform
Evzones with the traditional full dress ceremonial uniform
Evzones with the winter everyday ceremonial uniform
Evzones with the winter everyday ceremonial uniform
Evzones with the summer everyday ceremonial uniform
Evzones with the summer everyday ceremonial uniform
The present-day ceremonial uniform consists of the following items:
  • Farion (φάριον), a scarlet fez with a long black silk tassel, with the national emblem on the front.
  • Doulamas (plural: doulamades) (ντουλαμάς, plural: ντουλαμάδες), a long tunic which is the everyday uniform. There are winter and summer versions. The basic color of the winter doulamas is navy blue and it closely resembles the service uniform worn until 1910, while the summer version is light khaki, and similar in design to the field uniform adopted by the Evzone regiments after that date.
  • Foustanella (φουστανέλα), a cotton kilt made from 30 meters (98 feet) of white cloth, with supposedly 400 pleats (Greekπιέτες) representing the 400 years of Ottoman occupation. The foustanella derives from the traditional uniform of Continental Greece.
  • Ypodetes (υποδήτης), a white shirt with very wide sleeves.
  • Fermeli (φέρμελη), the waistcoat. Various traditional designs are embroidered on it in white or gilt thread. Yellow stripes on the lower sleeves indicate the military rank of the wearer. Sergeants have two stripes andcorporals have one.
  • Krossia (κρόσσια), fringes in blue and white, the colors of the Greek flag.
  • Epiknemides (επικνημίδες), unofficially called kaltsodetes (καλτσοδέτες), the garters. They are made of black silk.
  • Periskelides (περισκελίδες), white woollen stockings, two on each leg.
  • Anaspastos (Greekανάσπαστος), inside garter which holds the periskelides in position.
  • Tsarouchia (τσαρούχια, singular: τσαρούχι), red leather clogs with black pompons (φούντες, foundes; singular: φούντα, founda). Under the sole, depending on the size, there are 60 to 120 nails. On average eachtsarouchi weighs approximately 1.5 kilos (3.5 pounds).
  • A black leather cartridge belt which has a bayonet belt holder case.
  • When it is very cold the Evzones wear a dark blue cape (κάπα). This was formerly part of the field uniform until replaced by a khaki version in 1910.
They are armed with a M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle, with bayonet.
Everyday uniform consists of the fariondoulamasstockingsgarters, and tsarouchia. Formal dress, which is worn on Sundays, on important national holidays, at the reception of foreign dignitaries and on other special occasions, consists of the farionypodetesfoustanelafermelikrossia, stockings, garters and tsarouchia.
The first king of modern Greece, Otto, often wore this uniform in public. Today, many Greek boys dress up as tsoliades on Greek Independence Day.

Island and Pontic variants

Officer flanked by Evzones in the Islander uniform
Members of the Guard can also sometimes be seen in a royal blue and red uniform based on the traditional male costume of the Aegean Islands or in a uniform based on the black traditional habit once worn by the Pontic Greeks. These variants are worn on ceremonial occasions where there is a requirement for Evzones to undertake "unarmed" duties (such as flag-raising ceremonies, commemorations), usually alongside armed Evzones dressed in the formal ceremonial uniform.
While predominantly Cretan in origin - it is sometimes, incorrectly, called the Cretan Uniform (GreekΚρητική ΣτολήKritikí Stolí) - the Island Uniform (GreekΝησιωτική ΣτολήNisiotikí Stolí) incorporates elements from various costumes of the Aegean Islands. It consists of a tassel-less fez (Greekφάριονfárion), Cretan-style coat in blue with a red vest and white shirt, the distinctive blue islander breeches (Greekβράκαvráka), Cretan-style belt with a Cretan knife and white leather thigh-high boots (Greekστιβάνιαstivánia). An Evzone wearing the Island uniform is also called a Vrakofόros (GreekBρακοφόρος, literally a "wearer of breeches").
The Pontic Uniform (GreekΠοντιακή ΣτολήPontiakí Stolí) is only worn on May 19, in commemoration of the Greek Genocide.

Officers' uniform

The uniform of the officers is closer to the original dress worn by the klephts. Its main differences are the longer foustanella, the more elaborate fermeli in tyrian purple with gold embroidery, whose sleeves are worn closed on the arms instead of being fastened to the coat, red-and-gold gaiters (τουζλούκια; touzloúkia) that cover the whole lower leg worn over red trousers, and red boots (Greekσταβάλιαstavália). Their rank is indicated below the national emblem on the farion, and they are armed with a pála, a kilij-style sword.
The uniforms (of the officers and the soldiers) are completely handmade. They are sewn and maintained by civilian personnel of the Presidential Guard in workshops in the camp.

Service uniform

The Evzones wear the regular Hellenic Army uniform when not in guard service. They are distinguished from the other Army units by an azure beret and blue embroidered patches on the shoulders which have white letters that form the words: ΠΡΟΕΔΡΙΚΗ ΦΡΟΥΡΑ (Proedriki Froura, "Presidential Guard").

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