Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Venezuela - Army Days, Military Uniforms 2011

On June 27 Ipostel has released an issue devoted to commemorating the different uniforms that have been used by the army under Regulation issued by the Liberator. The reasons are:

Military Uniforms:
Libertador Campaign Uniform
Uniform of Major General Patriot
Hú Paez Uniform
Uniform Dragoons Guards
Standard British Hunters
Shooters Guard Uniform
Uniform Battalion Rifles
Clothing Lone Soldier
Honor Guard Uniform Liberator
Uniform Bravos de Apure

This time Ipostel printed Philatelic Information Bulletin No. 01-2011, although the issue date does not match reality and there were also first-day postmark, which is reproduced below.

Day of issue: 24 June 2011
Stamps Value: Bs 0.3 / Bs 0.40 / 1.50 Bs / Bs 6.5 / Bs and Bs 10.00 15.60
Quantity: 50,000 Bs 0.30, 0.40 Bs 75,000, 50,000 Bs 1.50, 6.50 Bs 25,000, 25,000 and 25,000 Bs Bs 10.00 15.60
Stamp size: 45 x35 mm
Presentation: 1 sheet of 10 stamps
Sheet Size: 135 x 210 mm
Leaf value: BS.36, 90
Paper: Coated, scrub, tropical hoisted do
Drilling: 12 Philatelic
First day 3,000 envelopes
Size: 164 × 93 mm
Quantity: 2000
Printing System: Offset
Design gr'fico: Romulo Reyes
Newspapers and Printing: Printers Versilia, C.A.
Coordición General: Vice President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Management Philately - IPOSTEL


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  2. Thanks for sharing this information. Well done!
