Sunday, May 13, 2012

Kosovo - Traditional Clothes, Elements of Hasi Region Dress 2011

Kosovar Tradition - Element of Has Dress

Issued on 19 October 2011
Nominal Values: EUR 2 (SS), EUR 1, EUR 0.70, EUR 0.50, EUR 0.30
Sheet Mint: 10 postage stamps
Size of Stamp: 27.00mm x 35.00mm
Printing: Offset
Paper: 102 gsm
Printing House: Leoprint
Postage Stamp Designer: K.Zhjeqi, S.Berlajolli, D.Kursani

A characteristic of this dress is the back part of sleeve which is quite wide in both sides of the belt, wherein the decoration of the wooden sleeve is more apparent, including motifs and filled selected colors such as black, violet red or blue.

One would usually keep a white handkerchief on her head, which is drawn on shoulders with some simple and elegant motifs, closely linked with long sleeves shirt, whose motifs are lovely combined with those of handmade wool socks.

Therefore, taking into account the special valus of this dress and the motif that those be maintained, created and inherited by future generations.
Philately of Kosova launches the edition of postage stamps titled "Kosovar Tradition - Element of Has Dress".

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