Saturday, January 1, 2011

Poland - 100th Anniversary of the death of Stanisław Moniuszko 1972

Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872), Polish conductor, composer, author of songs, operas and ballets filled with patriotic and Polish folk themes.

0.10 Polish Groszy - Na kwaterunku = On the billel.
0.20 Polish Groszy - Hrabina = The Countess.
0.40 Polish Groszy - Straszny Dwór = The Haunted Manor.
0.60 Polish Groszy - Halka = Halka.
1.15 Polish Złoty - Nowy Don Kiszot czyli Sto Szaleństw = The new Don Quixote or a hundred follies.
1.35 Polish Złoty - Verbum Nobile = Verbum Nobile (Latin: A nobleman's word).
1.55 Polish Złoty - Ideal = Ideal.
2.50 Polish Złoty- Paria = Pariah.

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