Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ukraine - Traditional Head Dresses 2006

Traditional head-dresses of Ukrainian:
Country / Post: Ukraine
Date of Issue: 30 March 2006
Width: 40.0 mm
Height: 41.7 mm
Denomination: 0.70 UAH
Number in set: 12 (show set)
Layout/Format: sheet of 12 of 12 designs
Perforations: 11.5 by 11.5
Stamp issuing authority: Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts Ukrposhta
Printer: Ukraina Plant

0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Ubrus and the Fur Cap - The Kyivan Rus
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Kerchieves - The Land of Kyiv
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Namitka - The Western Polissia
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Garland - The Land of Poltava
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Kerchief - The Land of Hutsul
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Koda - Bukovyna
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Kerchief - Central Ukraine
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Ochipok - The Land of Poltava
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Namitka - The Land of Hutsul
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Ochipok - The Land of Poltava
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Kerchief over the Ochipok - The Land of Chernihiv
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women - The Garland - The Land of Ivano-Frankivsk

Ukraine - Traditional Head Dresses 2007

Traditional head-dresses of Ukrainian:

Country / Post: Ukraine
Date of Issue: 23 August 2007
Width: 40.0 mm
Height: 41.7 mm
Denomination: 0.70 UAH
Number in set: 12 (show set)
Layout/Format: sheet of 12 of 12 designs
Perforations: 11.5 by 11.5
Stamp issuing authority: Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts Ukrposhta
Printer: Ukraina Plant

0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, unknown origin
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Polissy
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Ivano-Frankivsk
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Lviv
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Kyiv
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Ampyx and plaitings, The Land of Ivano-Frankivsk
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Lviv
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Hat, The Land of Ivano-Frankivsk
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Ternopil
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Hat, The Land of Ternopil
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Garland, The Land of Ivano-Frankivsk
0.70 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Wedding Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Hat, The Land of Ternopil

Ukraine - Traditional Head Dresses 2008

Traditional head-dresses of Ukrainian:
Country / Post: Ukraine
Date of Issue: 10 December 2008
Width: 40.0 mm
Height: 41.7 mm
Denomination: 1.00 UAH
Number in set: 12 (show set)
Layout/Format: sheet of 12 of 12 designs
Perforations: 11.5 by 11.5
Stamp issuing authority: Ukrainian State Enterprise of Posts Ukrposhta
Printer: Ukraina Plant

1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Ochipok and Kerchief, the Land of Cherkasy
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Peremitka, The Land of Ternopil
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Wedding Head-dress, The Land of Ternopil
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Namitka, The Land of Rivne
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Blackthorn Kerchief, Hutsulschyna
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Caul and Kerchief, Lemkivschyna
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Wedding head-dress. Pokuttia
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Peremitka, The Land of Rivne
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Bavnytsia and Kerchief, The Land of Lviv
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Krysan, Hutsulschyna
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - Ochipok, The Land of Lviv
1.00 Ukrainian Hryvnia - Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainians - "Magerka" Man Head-dress, The Land of Rivne

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sweden - Traditional Costumes 1979

National Costumes

There is evidence that national costumes have been worn in Sweden since the 17th century.
All over the country costumes with local characteristics were worn by the farmers and peasants until the middle of the 19th century.
There could be several variations of one costume in the same village. Dress for festive occasions differed from the every-day garments.

The provinces of Scania and Dalecaria were the richest in variations of regional dress.
They are represented in the stamps by a woman from western. Gonge and a young girl from Mora respectively. Both are in church dress.

The apparel would always show whether a woman was married or single, either in variation of hair style or head dress. Especially, a married woman was not to show her hair.
In most parts of Sweden the outer garment for a woman was a jersey that come down to her waist.

The women from Osterker is holding a child in her arms ready to carry it to the christening font. The bible-reading woman comes from Ljusdal and she is dressed for church.

Brooches were an important part of the costume. The one in the 90-one stamp come from the province of Jamtland and the cross in the 1.30kr stamp comes from the province of Smaland.

Day of issue: 15 November 1979
Value: 90dre; 1.30kr
Artists: J.W.Wallander, Otto Wallgren
Engravers: Majvor Franzein-Matthews, Martin Morck
Photos: The Nordic Museum
Printing Process: Recess, Photogravure
Printed at: The Post Office Stamp
Printing work: Joh Enschede en Zonen, Holland

Monday, January 3, 2011

Ethiopia - Traditional Costumes 1968

0.05 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Arrussi
0.15 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Gemu Gofa
0.20 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Godjam
0.30 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Kaffa
0.35 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Harar
0.50 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Illubabor
0.60 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Eritrea

Ethiopia - Traditional Costumes 1971

0.05 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Begemedir and Semain
0.10 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Bale
0.15 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Wolega
0.20 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Showa
0.25 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Sidamo
0.40 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Tigre
0.50 Ethiopian Santim - Costume from Wello

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Nepal - Traditional Dances 1976

0.10 Paisa -
0.15 Paisa - Maruni Dance
0.30 Paisa - Jhangad Dance
1.00 Rupee -
Sebru Dance

Venezuela - Folk Dances 1966

0.05c - Tape or Stick Tape Dance
0.10c - Candlemas
0.15c - Chichamaya
0.20c - Carite
0.25c - “Round Drum”
0.35c - Devil Dance, Feast of Corpus Christi
0.40c - Tamunanque (air)
0.50c - Parranda de San Pedro
0.60c - Las Turas
0.70c - Joropo
0.80c - Chimbanguele
0.90c - “The Shepherds”

Poland - 100th Anniversary of the death of Stanisław Moniuszko 1972

Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872), Polish conductor, composer, author of songs, operas and ballets filled with patriotic and Polish folk themes.

0.10 Polish Groszy - Na kwaterunku = On the billel.
0.20 Polish Groszy - Hrabina = The Countess.
0.40 Polish Groszy - Straszny Dwór = The Haunted Manor.
0.60 Polish Groszy - Halka = Halka.
1.15 Polish Złoty - Nowy Don Kiszot czyli Sto Szaleństw = The new Don Quixote or a hundred follies.
1.35 Polish Złoty - Verbum Nobile = Verbum Nobile (Latin: A nobleman's word).
1.55 Polish Złoty - Ideal = Ideal.
2.50 Polish Złoty- Paria = Pariah.

Jordan - Jordan Universities 2009

Issued on 07 October 2009