Saturday, November 27, 2010

Poland - Folk Costumes 1969

0.40 Polish Złoty - Krzczonowskie Costumes/ Stroje Krzczonowskie
0.60 Polish Złoty - Lowickie Costumes/ Stroje Lowickie
1.15 Polish Złoty - Rozbarskie Costumes/ Stroje Rozbarskie
1.35 Polish Złoty - Dolnośląskie Costumes/ Stroje Dolnośląskie
1.50 Polish Złoty - Opoczyńskie Costumes/ Stroje Opoczyńskie
4.50 Polish Złoty - Sądeckie Costumes/ Stroje Sądeckie
5.00 Polish Złoty - Góralski Costumes/ Stroje Góralski
7.00 Polish Złoty - Kurpiowskie Costumes/ Stroje Kurpiowskie

Krzczonów is a village west of Krasnystaw in southeast Poland (near Zamość)
Łowicz is a small town between Warsaw and Łódź
Rozbark is a village in Upper Silesia.
Dolnośląsk is Lower Silesia. The folk costumes are from the Wrocław area.
Opoczno is a small town west of Radom.
Sącz is a name for the Beskid Sądecki region south of Nowy Sącz.
Górale is the name of the Highlanders of the Polish Tatra Mountains.
Kurpie is an area north of Warsaw.

Stroje Krzczonowskie = Folk costumes from Krzczonów.
Stroje Łowickie = Folk costumes from Łowicz.
Stroje Rozbarskie = Folk costumes from Rozbark.
Stroje Dolnośląskie = Folk costumes from Lower Silesia.
Stroje Opoczyńskie = Folk costumes from Opoczno.
Stroje Sądeckie = Folk costumes from Sącz.
Stroje Góralskie = Folk costumes from the Highlanders.
Stroje Kurpiowskie = Folk costumes from Kurpie.

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