Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spain - Folk Dances, La Isa & Las Sevillanas 2009

Issue Date 27 April 2009
Gravure Printing
Plaster Paper, gummed, phosphorescent
Perforation: 13 1/4
Perforation stamp souvenir sheet 13 3/4
Stamp size 49,8 x 33.2 mm. (horizontal)
Stamp souvenir sheet format 28.8 x 40.9 mm. (vertical)
Sheet size block 105, 6 x 79,2 mm. (horizontal)
Face value of stamps 0,43 €
Effects Statement 50
Circulation 450,000
Circulation 350,000 souvenir sheet

The series entitled “Popular dances” disseminates the Spanish cultural and folklore heritage with these two stamps devoted to La Isa and Las Sevillanas.

La Isa
The dances and songs from the Canary Islands have mixed Iberian and aborigine roots. The most popular are the Isa, the Serinoque, the Tajaraste, the Folias, Seguidillas and Tanguillos. Although all of these are well known, the most representative of the Canary Islands is the Isa, a Canarían variation of the peninsular 'Jota' but with slower and more lilting rhythm. It has an instrumental part with guitars, bandurrias, lutes and timples and another one with couplets and chorus. The dance is performed in a group, with couples holding hands in a circle and conducted by the captain’s voice. It begins with simple movements and evolves into more complicated steps requiring greater rhythm and skill. At one point the music stops and the consecutive complicated turns begin and then end up in the original dancing circle with its unalterable rhythm. It is a genre that allows for improvisation in rhythms and tunes which makes for a great variety in the different islands each with their own choreography.

Las Sevillanas
Las Sevillanas, native to Seville, is the most popular dance and song in Andalucía where the following are also very well known: The Olé gaditano from Cádiz, the Jaleo from Jerez, the Rondeña from Ronda, the Malagueña from Málaga and the Granadina from Granada. Technically, they are an evolution from the Castilian seguidillas which in time developed into a more flamenco style.
Las Sevillanas are danced in twos and have four different movements: paseillos, pasadas, careos and remates in 3 x4 timing. There is a wide variety of Sevillanas but the best known are the boleras, rocieras, corraleras and bíblicas and they take their name depending on the theme of the song or the background conditions. They are mainly accompanied by guitar playing, hand clapping by the palmeros and, castanets or, palillos (drumsticks) as they are called in Andalucía. Their fame spreads all over the country as they are performed throughout Spain in festivals, celebrations and dance clubs and especially in the Feria de Sevilla and El Rocío pilgrimage. Since the sixties, the Sevillanas have evolved with new artists, themes and musical interpretations though observing the original essence and the graceful arm and leg movement.

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