Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hungary - Historical Flags 1981

Stamp series is described as follows:

Historical flags - Polychromatic - Perforated 12 (i.e. 12 perforations /2 cm)

40 filler - Arpadian dynasty, XIth century

This flag was the flag of the Árpád House, the House of the first Hungarian kings. It based on a picture on a stamp from 1981.
The title is: Flag of the Árpád House in the 11th century.

The first known member of the Árpáds was Prince Ügyek. His son, Álmos and Álmos's son Árpád werethe leaders of the Hungarians at the time of the Hungarian Conquest in the Carpathian Basin at the end of the 9th century. The Árpáds reigned in Hungary till 1301.
István Molnár, 24 November 2000

The flag with the "Arpad Stripes" was used by the kings of the Arpad Dynasty 1000-1301 and see photos of genuine flag of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II., Prince of Transylvania 1704-1711, Commanding Prince of Hungary 1705-1711 at "Hazatérés" Reformed Church at <>.
Mikhail Revnivtsev, 29 October 2006

The stripes used by the kings of the Árpád House from the early 13th century (seals). The first mention of the flag with pictures you can see in the "Képes Krónika" (Vienna Illuminated Chronicle, Chronica Hungarorum , Chronicon (Hungariae) Pictum, Chronica Picta or Chronica de Gestis Hungarorum, see wikipedia).

60 filler - Hunyadi family, XVth century
The flag of the Black Army. The Black Army was the centre of the mercenary force of King Mathias I.
From <>: "5. The so-called `Black Army' banner, reconstruction This characteristic flag with a forked tail was reconstructed after a miniature in Philostratus Chronicle, one of the Corvinas, representing the 1485 entry of Corvin János, son of king Matthew, into Vienna. The black colour of the flag used to be white (argent) in fact, but the argent paint had become oxidised. The reconstruction preserves the original colour."

1 forint - Gabor Bethlen, 1600
Standard of Prince Bethlen Gábor, 1615, reconstruction.
This large-size flag with a forked tail is ornamented with `tongues of flame' symbolizing the spilt blood of Jesus. In the cartouche the elements of the Transylvanian coat-of arms surround the Bethlen family coat-of arms. `Gábor, Prince of Transylvania in God's grace' is written on the flag. The reconstruction was based on the drawing of the 1896 Millennium exhibition catalogue.

2 forint - Ferenc Rakoczi II, 1706
Prince Francis Rákóczi II Flag (1703-1711).
The flag is an old flag, maybe from the years of the Prince Rákóczi's War of Independence. I didn't find anything about this picture. At the time of the war such flags were used.
Prince Francis Rákóczi II was the Reigning Prince of Transylvania and the "Commanding Prince" of Hungary, who was the leader the Anti-Habsburgian Independence war 1703-1711 in Hungary. It could be used between in this era. "CUM DEO PRO PATRIA ET LIBERTATE" was the inscription on the flags at the time of Prince Rákóczi's War of Independence.

Latin for "With God for Country and Freedom".

Old flag with the Coat of Arms of the Rakoczi family from the 17-18th century is at <>. The Rákóczi family gave some Transylvanian princes and Francis Rákóczi II the leader prince of the independence war 1703-1711.

Flag from 1703-1711 Rákóczi's Revolt at <>. Flag of the Prince Rákóczi II's war in 1706 is at <>.

Yesterday I was in the Nemzeti Múzeum (HNM) and take some photos of the flag of Prince Ferenc Rákóczi II. (Click 1,2,3 to see the photos).

4 forint - "Honved" of the Hungarian Army, 1848-1849
War Flag 1848-1849
It depicts a flag quite similar to the one Željko Heimer giffed with some notable differences:
1. The border is less complicated
2. The Coat of Arms is in a blue 'lake'
3. The blue 'lake' is completely surrounded by a golden wreath, which is oval, nearly round.

HONVÉD means soldier this is patriotic word.
The word "katona" = soldier is neutral.
The word "honvéd" = soldier means "the soldier who save our country".
HON = homeland
VÉD = save.
The new Hungarian Army in 1848 was the Magyar Honvédség.

6 forint - 1919 Troops.
Military Flag,
Text over symbol: VILÁG PROLETÁRJAI EGYESÜLJETEK (Workers of the World, unite),
used by Bela Kun's Army in 1919, now in "Orszagos Nedterdeneti Muzeum, Budapest" (State Military History Miseum).

Text above the symbol: CSEPELI VÖRÖS EZRED 2. zászlóalj (The Red Regiment of Csepel 2th battalion; Csepel was a village in 1919).

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