Sunday, January 11, 2009

USA 1996 - American Indian Dances

Ceremonial and social dance is a core traditional value among American Indian peoples.

“When we dance, we enter a totally Indian world, and we shake the earth and touch the sky as we continue our culture.”
—George Horse Capture, Àani (Gros Ventre) culture-bearer, traditional dancer, museum professional.

This stamp series, designed by Keith Birdsong of Muskogee, Oklahoma, was issued during the Red Earth Festival, one of the largest celebrations of Native American culture. Issued in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 7, 1996.

32-cent Fancy Dance stamp
The Fancy Dance, an energetic and spirited dance involving spinning is regularly seen at powwows.

32-cent Butterfly Dance stamp
The Butterfly Dance of the Southwestern Pueblos is a prayer for new beginnings, regeneration and agricultural success.

32-cent Traditional Dance stamp
The Traditional Dance for men acts out stories of bravery and the hunt; for women, beauty, Mother Earth, grace and elegance.

32-cent Raven Dance stamp
The Raven Dance of North Pacific Coast involves an elaborately masked dancer mimicking the movements and sounds of the raven. For many groups this dance is filled with sacred meaning and perform it to honor the Raven clan.

32-cent Hoop Dance stamp
The Hoop Dance is an especially challenging powwow performance, in which the the dancer jumps through hoops in continually changing patterns

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