Monday, December 8, 2008

Philippines 1963 - Philippine Folk Dances

Date of Issue: 15 September 1963
Printed: Thomas de la Rue and Co. Ltd., England.

5s Tinkling Dance
The tinikling is a pre-Spanish dance that involves two people beating, tapping, and sliding bmboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in between pole between the poles in a dance. The dance originated in islands in the central Philippines as an imitation of the tikling bird dodging bamboo traps set by rice farmers. The dance imitates the movement of the tikling birds by skillfully maneuvering between large bamboo poles.

6s Pandanggo sa ilaw (Dance of the Oil Lamps)
This dance originates from Lubang Island, Mindoro in Visayas. 'Pandanggo sa ilaw' means 'Fandango with light'.The term pandanggo comes from the Spanish word fandango, which is a dance characterized by marking time with a clack of castanets, snapping of fingers, and stomping of feet in triple-time rhythm. A dancer balances three oil lamps (tinghoy), or candles in glasses instead, balanced on her head and on the back of each hand while she dances.

10s Itik-Itik
Itk-Itik , a dance which originated in Mindanao, imotates the movements of ducks among rice paddies and swamplands, such as wading, flying, and short, choppy steps.

20c Singkil
The Singkíl originated from the Maranao people who inhabit the shores of Lake Lanoa in Mindanao. It is derived from a story in the Darangen, the Maranao epic song. The name of the dance itself means "to entangle the feet with disturbing objects such as vines or anything in your path". It is a popular dance performed during celebrations and other festive entertainment.

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