Thursday, October 12, 2023

Vietnam 2020 - UNESCO, Worshipping of the Tam Phu Mothers

Technical Details:
Date of Issued: 06 December 2020
Design: Nguyen Du
Theme: Religions & beliefs (Buddhism)
Width: 43.00 mm
Height: 32.00 mm
Denomination: 4,000 VND
Format: Sheet of 25 of 1 design
Perforations: 13.00 x 13.00
Issuing Authority: Vietnam Post (VNPost) - Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC)
Printer: Post Stamp Printing Company, Vietnam

Mother Goddesses of Three Realms Worship - Intangible cultural heritage of humanity:
4,000 VND - Three palaces for worshiping Mother Goddesses (Tam toa Thanh mau)
4,000 VND - Trance rituals (Hau bong)
15,000 VND - Five-deity worshiping (Kieu Nam quan)
15,000 VND (SS) - Procession of Mother Goddess (Ruoc mau)

Friday, October 6, 2023

Spain 2023 - Nannies of Pasiegas


Date of Issued: 28 July 2023

About Nannies of Pasiegas

The Amas de Cría Pasiegas were young women of childbearing age, who left their children to go to different parts of the Spanish geography, and take care of the infants of other mothers, always from a good family, who could not or did not want to raise their children. their children.

The nannies came to achieve such fame that the name pasiega was taken as a synonym for wet nurse, and the typical pasiego costume was even adopted as the uniform of the nannies who arrived in the capital. Many returned to their homes years later, when they had managed to raise enough money to improve the family economy and offer a good future for their children and husband.