Friday, January 25, 2019

North Korea 1964 - Traditional Dances

Stamp Size: 24 mm x 35 mm

Drum Dance (2 jon) 
Dance of Ecstasy (5 jon) 
Small Drum Dance (10 jon)

Monday, January 21, 2019

Czech Republic 2018 - The Castle Guard

Technical Details:

Date of Issue: 05 December 2018
Face Value: 19,00 CZK
Print sheets: 50 stamps
Size Stamp: 23 mm x 40 mm

Method of Printing: Multicoloured Offset
Graphic Designer: Petr Minka

A Castle Guard Member

The Castle Guard is a brigade-type military unit organised into the command and staff, 1st battalion, 2nd battalion, Castle Guard orchestra, and support company. The Castle Guard command is a body directly controlling, commanding and coordinating the activities of the subordinated sub-units, divisions and departments. The staff uses the operations division and the support division to manage all operations of the sub-units. The purpose of the 1st and 2nd battalion companies is to guard Prague Castle, Lány Chateau and other buildings temporarily used to house the Czech president and his guests and to secure their defence in emergency situations. They are also used as security guards during representative and ceremonial events. The Castle Guard Orchestra plays at all ceremonial events directly connected with the exercise of powers of the Czech president, such as commemorative ceremonies in the territory of the Czech Republic. The support company provides support to Castle Guard units to help them perform their main tasks. The company is divided into the transport squad, accompanying and protecting squad, security squad, and dog squad. On 7 December 1918, the Command of the Army of the Czechoslovak Republic set up an infantry unit, subordinated to Prague’s 28th infantry regiment, as the first military unit in the history whose mission was to secure military guard of Prague Castle. On 31 January 1990, the Czechoslovak Federal Assembly passed a bill to establish the Administration for Protection of the Czechoslovak President and the Castle Guard from 1 February 1990. The essential difference was the transfer of the Castle Guard from the Ministry of the Interior to the National Defence Ministry, with direct subordination to the commander of the President’s Military Office. The law also set the guard’s tasks. The Castle Guard also provides security during the annual Prague Castle Open Days in May and October and helps guard the Czech crown jewels during their displays at Prague Castle. Its further activities include regular parades on the 3rd courtyard of Prague Castle and concerts of the Castle Guard Orchestra near the Powder Tower.

The postage stamp is issued both in the form of sheets and as a book of 8 stamps and 4 coupons.

Note: A stamp identified with the letter A corresponding to the price of Ordinary Letter – Standard up to 50 g in domestic service 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Malaysia 2015 - Traditional Attire (Four Nation Stamp Exhibition)

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 04 December 2015
Stamp Value: 60 sen x 4 designs
Stamp Size: 27 mm x 32 mm
Perforation: 14
Miniature Sheet Value: RM3.20 (price inclusive 6% GST)
Miniature Sheet Size: 90 mm x 80 mm
Stamp Paper: SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Sheet Content: 20 pcs
Paper: SPM Watermarked, Phosphor Coated
Printing Process: Litography
Printer: Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional Sdn Bhd

Stamp Designer: World Communications Network Resources (M) Sdn Bhd

Traditional Attire
Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Indonesia are countries known to be rich in cultures and traditions, and thus have many different types of traditional attires. In conjuction with the FourNation Stamp Exhibition, hosted by Malaysia in December 2015, a special issue stamp themed "Traditional Attire" wil be issued to represent each country taking part in the exhibition.

0.60 Malaysia Ringgit - Traditional Attire of Malaysia (Malay)
Attire worn traditionally by the Malays is the result of the growth in fashion, that has gone through many different influences and time. The traditional attire for the Malay men which is still popular is the Baju Melayu and the Baju Kurung, Baju Kebaya Panjang, Baju Kebaya Pendek, Baju Kurung Kedah, and Baju Pahang are the common traditional Attire for the Malay women. In addition, there are also other traditional Malay attires that are considered classic such as the style of Puteri Perak, Cik Siti Wan Kembang, Baju Menora, and Baju Minangkabau.

0.60 Malaysia Ringgit - Traditional Attire of Indonesia (Yogyakarta)
Yogyakarta man is portrayed wearing Kesatrian Ageng; a traditional attire in the form of a headgear known as blangkon, a suit with a closed-neck collar, and a keris tucked in the back of the waist. The woman wears a Putri Jogja, a kebaya on top of the matching batik that is tied in a specific way. Jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and rings adorn the couple. Kesatrian Ageng and Putri Jogya that used to be only worn by the royal family can now be worn by everyone during special occasions.

0.60 Malaysia Ringgit - Traditional Attire of Singapore
The Cheongsam is the Cantonese pronunciation for "ChangShan", or "long garment" for the Chinese women while "Thanzhuang" is the outer jacket worn by the Chinese men in Singapore. Although typically thought to be a traditional Chinese costumes, it actually originated from the Qing (Manchu) dynasty. Today, the Cheongsam or "Qipao" as it is known in Mandarin, worn by women is flattering to the body, and comes in many varying lengths, colours and designs. Thanzhuang and Cheongsam are now often worn by the Chinese men and women in Singapore for during special occasions such as wedding or Chinese New Year celebration.

0.60 Malaysia Ringgit - Traditional Attire of Thailand
The traditional attire of Thailand shown are known as the "Suea Bhraratcha-than" for the men and "Thai Chakkraphat" for the women. Thai Chakkrabhat is Thai dress with a pleated shawl cover and a thicker shawl with full embroidery on the upper shawl. It can be worn for official royal or national ceremonies.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Tonga 2017 - The Cheongsams on Four Seasons

Date of Issue: 14 July 2017

While the word may not be familiar to most people outside of Asia, the South Pacific nation of Tonga has released this souvenir sheet that will match up the unfamiliar name with the familiar style known as cheongsam.

The souvenir sheet shows the development of the outfits from early, loose-fitting style to modern form-fitting dresses that are extremely popular not only with the Chinese woman but also with a widening worldwide population of non-Asians. At, Wikipedia provides some in-depth information on the cheongsam fashion, as follows: “The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women, also known as qipao (from Mandarin Chinese). The stylish and often tight-fitting cheongsam that is best known today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and made fashionable by socialites and upper class women, partly under the influence of Beijing styles. At that time, people eagerly sought a more modernized style of dress and transformed the old qipao to suit their tastes. Slender and form fitting with a high cut, it had great differences from the traditional qipao.

“Like the male changpaos they derive from, cheongsams in the beginning were always worn in conjunction with trousers. However, with the introduction of Western fashion during the Nanking decade, it became a popular choice to replace these with stockings. The formerly purely utilitarian side slits were repurposed into aesthetic elements to highlight the new fashion, and by the 1940s, trousers had completely fallen out of use with cheongsams. As hosiery in turn declined in later decades, cheongsams nowadays have come to be most commonly worn with bare legs.” A modern version is shown here.

In the souvenir sheet, each stamp is perforated to the edges of the design of the particular cheongsam version. Now that you know what the cheongsam fashion is.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Peru 2014 - Traditional Dances

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 17 October 2014
Width: 40.0 mm
Height: 30.0 mm
Denomination: 8.00 PEN
Number in Set: 2
Perforations: 14 by 14
Designer: Christian Alvarez Mendoza
Stamp Issuing Authority: Servicios Postales del Peru SA
Printer: Thomas Greg and Sons Peru

8.00 Peruvian Sol - Cusco Carnivals
The carnivals begin with the men and wife, which is the party that distinguishes the Cusco Carnivals. During the first, two Thursdays of the month of February before the last Sunday of the same month, the women visit and entertain their mens, mocking them, in which they hang in the streets life-sized rag dolls and the men do the same with his wife the following Thursday. To celebrate, the favorite dish that is accompanied in this Carnival party is the timpu or puchero, very similar to the parboiled one of the coast. These festivities are so happy that unites the population or communities of Cusco for the joy that sprouts or overflow the locals that consists of throwing water, talcum and perfumes. The central day of the carnivals are concentrated in the main square of Cusco with representations of state entities and individuals where they offer the best of their dances and colorful costumes, accompanied by a gastronomic competition. The party of the carnivals extends to the districts and provinces of all the Cusco, where they plant a tree decorated with gifts, and couples of married or singles can dance and participate cutting the tree until it falls.

8.00 Peruvian Sol - Wallata Dance of Cusco
It is a dance identified with the communities of Kelqanqa, Patacancha and Huilloq of the district of Ollantaytambo, province of Urubamba, department of Cusco. The man's wardrobe: black shorts, black board, white sleeves, small red poncho, chullo, circular cap similar to that of women and ojota. The women's wardrobe: black skirt with wide red stripe, red jacket with embroidered ornaments, chumpi, liclla or multicolored typical blanket, Kandunga, circular montera, adorned with many red ribbons that go back and flip flops. This dance is related to the work of the Andean man with the countryside or nature where the flora or fauna is found since the wallatas is a bird of the family of palmipedas that live in the lagoons of the place. The dances have choreographic movements based on how this male bird manifests itself: screams, behavior, moods, fundamentally courtship or mating, etc. where the male proves that he is the dominant one in the same way the woman her dance is tender with very elegant movements and with a lot of loving flirting. The music is performed by bands from the area, whose instruments are native such as tinya or tarola, a flute of small cane, manufactured by themselves; In the cities they use the quena and a small bass drum that gives more strength to the music.

Lithuania 2019 - Symbols of the State Lithuania (Flags)

Technical Details:
Issue Date: 04 January 2019
Designer: T. Dragūnas
Printer: “Vaba Maa”, Estonia
Process: Offset
Size: 24 x 24 mm

About Symbols of the State Lithuania - Flags
The states around the world are recognizable by their own symbols, so their preservation is one of the most important elements of state life. The official symbols of the state of Lithuania - the flag, the coat of arms and the anthem - are strictly regulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, and their public use is strictly regulated. One of the ways to represent the state in the world, acquainting residents of other countries with the history of Lithuania, culture and important events of the country are postage stamps.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Israel 2017 - Festival, The Month of Tishrei

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 12 September 2017
Stamp Size (mm): 30 mm x 40 mm
Stamps per Sheet: Tabs per Sheet:15
Method of printing: Offset
Security Mark: Microtext_
Printer: Cartor Security Printing, France

Festival 2017 - The Month of Tishrei
The holidays celebrated in the Hebrew month of Tishrei are among the most important of the entire Jewish year. This stamp series presents three of the special customs associated with this festive period, emphasizing customs that are carried out in the dark.

2.40 Israeli Shekel - Selichot Prayers
In Jewish tradition, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are the Days of Judgment, when people's actions are examined and their fates for the next year are determined. Jews are required to scrutinize themselves as these festivals approach, to mend their ways ask forgiveness for their sins. Over the years, a set of special prayers called Selichot has been compiled, and are recited during the days leading up to the Days of Judgment. Selichot pravers are recited for the last time on the night before Yom Kippur Eve, but begin at different times based on different ethnic traditions. Sephardim and Yemenite Jews begin reciting Selichot prayers on the first day of the month of Elul, while Ashkenazim begin a week before Rosh Hashanah. Selichot prayers are traditionally recited in the hours of darkness after midnight. In the past, a synagogue official would walk around the town to awaken congregants when it was time to recite the Selichot, knocking on windows and calling out loudly: Get up to recite Selichot!

7.40 Israeli Shekel - Second Hakafot 
Shemini Atzeret, also known as Simchat Torah, is celebrated at the end of the seven days of Sukkot and marks the last day of the annual cycle of reading the Torah. On the eve and on the morning of this festival it is customary in synagogues to take the Torah scrolls out of the Ark and to carry them around the platform at least seven times. The whole congregation participates in these Hakafot (encirclements), singing and dancing with the Torahs. In the evening at the end of Simchat Torah additional Hakafot take place outside the synagogue, with music and an even larger crowd of participants. These Second Hakafot are mentioned among the customs of Isaac Luria (known as Ha'Ari Hakadosh) in Safed in the 16th century and from there they spread among the communities in Eretz Israel. In 1940 Rabbi Frankel, the Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv, turned the Second Hakafot into a popular tradition conducted outside many synagogues.

8.30 Israeli Shekel - Building a Sukkah
During the seven days of the Sukkot festival, religious Jews move most of their activities from their homes to a temporary structure called a Sukkah, where they eat all their meals and even sleep at night. This serves as a reminder of the way Jews lived during the exodus from Egypt. There are many rules that define how the Sukkah must be built and how it should be covered with branches so that it remains a temporary structure, as required in order to perform the mitzvah. It is customary for all members of the family to participate in building and decorating the Sukkah. Traditionally, building the Sukkah begins at night after the end of Yom Kippur, as the start of a first mitzvah immediately after atoning for sins of the previous year.

Israel 2018 - A Salute to the IDF

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 09 April 2018
Stamps Size (mm): 30 mm x 30 mm
Stamps per Sheet: 16
Tabs per Sheet: 16 
Method of printing: Offset 
Security Mark: Microtext 
Printer: Cartor Security Printing, France

2.50 Israeli Shekel - Golani Brigade
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Givati Brigade
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Home Front Command
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Israel Air Force
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Engineering Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Combat Intelligence Collection Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Armor Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Artillery Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Nahal Brigade
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Intelligence Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Paratroopers Brigade
2.50 Israeli Shekel - General Service Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Israeli Navy
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Military Police Corps
2.50 Israeli Shekel - Kfir Brigade
2.50 Israeli Shekel - C4I & Cyber Defense

A Salute to the IDF

A well known saying states that: "the clothes make the man". This is especially true with regard to headgear. While in some instances a head covering may serve a practical purpose such as protection from the sun, in many cases it is a reflection of that person's identity, standing or belonging to a certain group. In the past, soldiers wore prominent hats as a way of differentiating friend from foe on the battlefield. This tradition has been perpetuated in a symbolic manner in the modern era.

The Israel Defense Forces dress code developed gradually during its early years, as the color and style of the soldiers' uniforms were designed. Many of the early commanders, who were trained by the British military, assimilated the regulations to which they were accustomed into the IDF. Thus, it was determined that most IDF soldiers would wear olive green berets, while a small number of those in special positions would wear berets of other colors. Members of the air force wore light grey berets, the armor corpsmen received black berets and the paratroopers brigade was awarded the prominent and prestigious red beret.
For many years, women serving in the IDF wore different hats than the men. This was changed as the 21st century approached and all soldiers now wear the same berets, men and women alike.

Over time, the IDF has become more professionalized and developed more organizational specialties. One of the ways in which the military expresses its appreciation for this uniqueness and specialization is through different colored berets, allowing soldiers to demonstrate that they belong to a specific branch or unit. This trend, which began in the mid-1970's, has gained momentum over the years, as the IDF has formed more and more special frameworks.

In 2018, when the IDF celebrates 70 years since it was established, its berets come in an array of 17 different colors. When initially inducted into the IDF, all soldiers receive the olive green beret, which they continue to wear unless integrated into one of the special frameworks. Four of the berets belong to the professional branches of the General Staff and the units under their direct command: the Air Corps – dark grey; the Navy – dark blue; the Home Front Command – orange; C4I & Cyber Defense – cornflower blue. Six of the berets belong to the professional corps and the units they oversee: the Armor Corps – black; the Artillery Corps – turquoise; the Engineering Corps – pale grey; the Intelligence Corps – dark green; the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps – pale yellow; the Military Police Corps – blue. Six additional berets belong to the IDF's brigades and special forces: the Paratroopers Brigade – red; the Golani Brigade – brown; the Givati Brigade – purple; the Nahal Brigade – pale green; the Kfir Brigade – camouflage green and brown; the Border Array - camouflage yellow and brown.

The IDF berets stamp series was issued as a special sheet, emphasizing that while there is great diversity within the IDF and it is made up of many unique frameworks and specializations, all of its units make up one cohesive force that works together to defend the State of Israel and its residents.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Upper Volta (Haute Volta) 1972 - Habitation in Upper Volta

Issued on: 30 June 1972
Perforation: 13

45 CFA - West African CFA Franc - Bobo's Habitation
50 CFA - West African CFA Franc - Dagari's Habitation
90 CFA - West African CFA Franc - Interior Decoration on Bango Hut

Upper Volta (Haute Volta) 1972 - Hair Styles

Date of Issue: 25 July 1972
Perforation: 13

Israel 2007 - Dances in Israel

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 20 June 2007
Width: 30.8 mm
Height: 40.0 mm
Denomination: 2.20 ILS
Number in Set: 4
Layout/Format: Sheet of 12
Printing: Offset
Perforations: 14 by 14
Designrt: Moshe Pereg
Stamp Issuing Authority: Israel Post Ltd
Printer: E Lewin-Epstein Ltd

"What do we dance in the revived Israel?" was one of the questions asked in the late 19th century in the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael as part of the aspiration to create a distinctive Hebrew culture different from that of the Diasproa.  There was no extant Hebrew folk dance or artistic dance.  Only with the emergence of modern dance in Europe after the First World War, known as "Ausdruckstanz" (Dance of Expression), with which the Jewish pioneers could identify, did modern artistic dance in the Jewish community of Eretz Yisrael blossom.  The pioneers in the field were Baruch Agadati, Rina Nikova, the Ornstein family, Yardena Cohen and Deborah Bertonoff, followed by Gertrud Kraus, who became the dance guru of the 1930s and 1940s.

After the founding of the State of Israel , concert dance in Israel was revolutionized under the American influence, identified in Israel with the dancer/ choreographer Martha Graham. Dance became professionalized, and formal companies were established.  The most prominent of these were the Inbal Dance Theater, the Bat-Sheva Dance Company, the Bat-Dor Dance Company, the Kol Demama Dance Company and the Kibbutz Dance Company. Most of the Choreographers arrived from abroad.  Only in the latter 1970's did a fringe movement emerge and with it several generations of independent local creators.  For over a decade, now, a rich variety of dance activity has flourished in the large companies alongside dozens of smaller ensembles led by Israel choreographers.  A large part of this activity takes place in the Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance and Theater in the Neveh Zedek quarter of Tel Aviv.  Additionally, Israeli dance is in demand in international modern dance festivals throughout the world.

2.20 Israeli Shekel - Classical Ballet

Classical ballet was rejected by the pioneers of Eretz Yisrael who viewed it as representative of royalist regimes and of an art whose messages did not accord with the pioneering ideology.  Nevertheless, during the 1930s, two classical ballet studios were founded: in Haifa, by Archipova Grossman, and in Tel Aviv, by Mia Arbatova.  In 1967, Berta Yampolsky and Hillel Markman established the Israel Ballet Company, Israel's leading, and largest, professional ballet company to this day.  Most of its works have been created by Yampolsky, although the company's repertory also includes selected works from the classical repertory also includes selected works from the classical repertory as well as the neo-classical style.  Since 1990, an annual competition named for Mia Arbatova is held to support and promote young talent in the field of classical ballet.

2.20 Israeli Shekel - Ethnic Dance
Israel is blessed with a wide variety of ethnic communities from all parts of the world who brought the traditional dance styles of their countries of origin with them.  While the country espoused a melting pot approach during the 1950's, this eventually gave way to a multi-cultural view which holds that an ethnic heritage need not be discarded in order for integration take place.  Today, many ethnic dance troupes are active in Israel, including Arab, Bukharan, Armenian, Druze, Yemenite, Spanish, Russian, and Ethiopian.

2.20 Israeli Shekel - Israeli Folk Dance
Folk dance in Israel is, by its very nature, a product of the blending of a large variety of elements from many cultures.  The impetus to create a "new" folk dance style stemmed from the socialist-Zionist ideology and underlay the intensive creative work in this area in the 1930s and 1940s.  The central figure in the folk dance movement was Gurit Kadmon, while the outstanding creator was Gert Kaufman.  The first folk dance festival - the Dalia Dance Festival (1944), followed by others, reflected a deep need by the public to gather and dance together.  By the end of the 1950s, a trend toward creating folk dance troupes and performances became popular, based on a blend of folk and ethnic motifs, with dancers trained in classical European techniques.  In 1988, Yonatan Carmon founded and molded the Karmiel Dance Festival, which, under his direction, became a distinctive meeting place for folk, ethnic and artistic dance.

2.20 Israeli Shekel - Modern Dance
Modern Israeli dance reflects contemporary trends worldwide.  It is postmodern dance, granting the performer the legitimacy to blend multiple styles from the present and the past and to conduct an ironic and intense dialogue with them.  It is dance typified by energy, flow, virtuosity and theatrically.  Israeli choreographers create original dance typified by a personal statement linked to their habitat.

Dr. Ruth Eshel
Dance Researcher and Choreographer
Director of the Ethiopian Beta Dance Troupe
Additional information about dance in Israel may be found in Ruth Eshel's volume, Dancing with a Dream: The Development of Artistic Dance in Eretz Yisrael, 1920-1964 (Hebrew, with a synopsis in English).

Description of the Stamps:
Classical Ballet Stamp: Photograph underlying the design of the stamp courtesy of The Israel Classical Ballet Center; Ben Lam, photographer.

Ethnic Dance Stamp:  Photograph of an Ethiopian troupe dancing and singing the beta Israel prayers.  Ethiopian ethnic dance reached Israel with the two mass Ethiopian immigrations; the "Moses Operation" in the first half of the 1980s, and the "Solomon Operation" in 1991, bringing with them the "Eskesta" dances focusing on shoulder movement.

Barbuda 1975 - Military Uniforms

Date of Issue: 17 September 1975
Perforation: 14

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Lithuania 2018 - Ethnic Minorities and Communities in Lithuania, Tatars

Technical Details:
Issue Date:12 June 2018
Designer: I. Krikštaponytė
Printer: “Vaba Maa”, Estonia
Process: Offset
Size: 30 x 37mm

About Ethnic Minorities and Communities in Lithuania, Tatars

Tatars setting in Lithuania is associated with the Grand Duke Vytautas (early 15th century). They were brought to Lithuania to serve as soldiers, their villages established at the Grand Duchy boundaries and around the capital city Vilnius. Tatars formed a personal guardhouse of Vytautas, together with him participated in the Battle of Grunwald. Most of Tatars living in Lithuania are Sunni Muslims. Surviving Tatar villages are Raižiai (Alytus district municipality), Keturiasdešimt totorių and Nemėžis (both in Vilnius district municipality).

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Suriname 2014 - Masks

Native Masks
Date of Issue: 03 December 2014
Perforation: 14

2.50 Surinamese Dollar - Dewi Ragil Kuning 
3.50 Surinamese Dollar - Patih Gajah Meto 
5.50 Surinamese Dollar - Kollo Marko Mamang  
7.50 Surinamese Dollar - Panji Kudonowarongso  
9.50 Surinamese Dollar - Patih Talang Segoro  
11.50 Surinamese Dollar - Panji Amiseno

Suriname 2011 - Masks

Date of Issue: 07 December 2011

1.00 Surinamese Dollar - Botu Terong
2.00 Surinamese Dollar - Demang Mundu
3.00 Surinamese Dollar - Emban Dawala
7.00 Surinamese Dollar - Jarodeh
8.00 Surinamese Dollar - Kelono Baron Sakeber
9.00 Surinamese Dollar - Maheso Suro

Indonesia 1974 - Pacific Area Travel Association Conference (PATA), Regional Costumes

Pacific Area Travel Association Conference 
Date of Issue: 28 March 1974 
Color: Multicolor
Watermark: Unwatermark
Perforation: 12.5

05.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Bengkulu
07.50 Indonesia Rupiah - Kalimantan Timur
10.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Kalimantan Tengah
15.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Jambi
20.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sulawesi Tenggara
25.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Nusa Tenggara Timur
27.50 Indonesia Rupiah - Maluku
30.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Lampung
35.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sumatera Barat
40.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Aceh
45.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Nusa Tenggara Barat
50.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Riau 
55.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Kalimantan Barat
60.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sulawesi Utara
65.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sulawesi Tengah
70.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sumatera Selatan
75.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Jawa Barat
80.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sumatera Utara
90.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Yogyakarta
95.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Kalimantan Selatan
100.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Jawa Timur
120.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Irian Jaya
130.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Jawa Tengah
135.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Sulawesi Selatan
150.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Bali
160.00 Indonesia Rupiah - Jakarta

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Bolivia 1997 - Traditional Costumes, UPAEP

Date of Issue: 14 July 1997
Perforation: 13¼ x 13½

5.00 Bolivian Boliviano - Costume of the Valley
15.00 Bolivian Boliviano - Costume of the Eastern Region

Paraguay 2003 - Mercosur, Art & Kraft

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 22 October 2003
Size: 35 mm x 45 mm
Perforation: 13½ x 13¼
Printing: Offset Lithography

4,000 Paraguayan Guarani - Pochos Para
5,000 Paraguayan Guarani - Ao Poí

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Madagascar 2017 - Regional Coat of Arms of Madagascar

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 19 June 2017
Width: 33.0 mm
Height: 33.0 mm
Denomination: 500.00 MGF
Number in Set: 22
Layout/Format: Sheet
Perforations: 13.5 by 13.5
Stamp Issuing Authority: Paositra Malagasy
Printer: Joh Enschedé Security Printers

500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Alaotra Mangoro
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Amoron'i Mania
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Analamanga
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Analanjiforo
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Androy
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Anosy
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Atsimo Andrefana
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Atsimo Atsinanana
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Atsinanana
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Betsiboka
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Boeny
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Bongolava
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Diana
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Ihorombe
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Itasy
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Haute Matsiatra
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Melaky
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Menabe
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Sava
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Sofia
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Vakinankaratra
500 Malagasy Ariary - Coat of Arms of the Region of Vatovavy-Fitovinany

Estonia 2018 - Talinn, Coat of Arms (Definitive Stamp)

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 30 May 2018
Designer: Indrek Ilves
Stamp Type: Self-Adhesive
Quantity Issued: 1,000,000
Perforation: 12½ x 12½
Printer: AS Vaba Maa
Print: Offset
Sheets: 5 x 5
Size: 24.0 x 24.0 mm

The ancient history of Tallinn dates back to the first century, when a fortress was built in Iru, which also included a settlement. For reasons that are not known at this time, this fortress was abandoned in middle of the 11th century and the Lindanise Castle was built on the current Toompea Hill, which can be considered the centre of the ancient Revala county. 
The first reliable written records on Tallinn can be found in the Livonian Chronicle of Henry. According to the Chronicle, in June 1219, the Danish fleet, which was led by King Valdemar II, landed at the Lindanise Castle. The Battle of Lindanise took place between the Danish troops and Estonians on the grounds of what has become Tallinn, on 15 June 1219. The Danes won the difficult battle. According to legend, the battle took a turn to favour the Danes right after a white flag with a red cross, the current Dannebrog flag of Denmark, had fallen from the sky. At the end of the 13th century Tallinn joined the Hanseatic League. 
Driven by internal political turmoil and lack of money, the King of Denmark sold his possessions in Northern Estonia, including Tallinn, to the Teutonic Order in 1346. Tallinn became a Hanseatic city. The development of trade in Tallinn was based on the privileges received already in the 13th century. Tallinn acquired the right of coinage in 1265 and the warehouse right was granted to the city in 1346. The city of Tallinn and Harju-Viru vassals surrendered to the Swedish power in 1561 and Tallinn became the centre of a new administrative unit – the Governorate of Estonia. 
During 1700–1721, the Baltic Sea region was pillaged by the Great Northern War. The main opponents were the Swedish Empire and the Tsardom of Russia, who fought to dominate the area. On 29 September 1710, Tallinn capitulated to Russian troops without a fight. At the turn of the 19th–20th century, Estonianness became a new source of vitality in Tallinn. In 1991, Tallinn became the capital of Estonia that had just regained its independence.

Estonia 2016 - Keila, Coat of Arms (Definitive Stamp)

Technical Details:
Date of Issue: 10 September 2016
Designer: Indrek Ilves
Stamp Type: Self-Adhesive
Quantity Issued: 600,000
Perforation: 12½ x 12½
Printer: AS Vaba Maa
Print: Offset
Sheets: 5 x 5
Size: 24.0 x 24.0 mm

Keila is a small town in North Estonia of 10 000 inhabitants lying 25 kilometres west of the capital Tallinn; on the bank of the Keila River. The territory of the town is half of which densely inhabited. The other half is covered with forests, natural hayfields and bogs. Motorways and a railway pass through Keila to Paldiski and western Estonia. Keila is the center of western Harjumaa. Well-developed entrepreneurship offers numerous jobs to residents of the neighbourhood. Most of the industrial areas lie in the periphery of the town. The line of the railway divides Keila into two parts. South of the railway shares lie private houses while towards the north multi-storied houses have been put up. Bigger parks (Central Park, River Park, Pinewood Park), green areas and nice pinewoods make Keila a green people-friendly town. The oldest traces of human habitation go back to the third and second millennia B.C. The first written record of Keila (Kieiknl) is dated from the Danish Assessment Book. Keila’s development sped up due to the building of the Tallinn-Paldiski railway in 1870. Keila became a self-governed municipality in 1925; on May 1, 1938 Keila became a market town on the basis of the towns act. In the years 1950-62 Keila was the center of the district of the same name.

Estonia 2015 - Paide, Coat of Arms (Definitive Stamp)

Technical Details:

Date of Issue: 10 September 2015
Designer: Indrek Ilves
Stamp Type: Self-Adhesive
Quantity Issued: 750,000
Perforation: 12½ x 12½
Printer: AS Vaba Maa
Print: Offset
Sheets: 5 x 5
Size: 24.0 x 24.0 mm

Paide is a small lovely town of 8300 residents in the heart of Estonia. The glorious history of the town got its beginning in 1291 when it received town bylaws among some of the first towns in Estonia. Through its colourful history Paide has been known by the names of Wittenstein, Weissenstein and Paede. Today Paide is the only town in the Järva County as the local self-government and its administrative center. There are three schools, two kindergartens, a cultural center, a 3D cinema, a sports hall, a youth center, a roller skating park, a music school and an interest school at the disposal of the residents. Paide has the only hospital in the county and companies from the point of key importance of the promotion of economy operate there. One of the most important sights and tourist attractions in the city is the Wittenstein Time Center along with the beautiful Vallimägi Hill. In the Time Center in the ruins of the Paide Order Castle it is possible to travel on a genuine time machine and participate in different historical events. Notice is due also to Paide’s Holy Cross Church and the Town Hall that are situated in the heart of the town, in the Central Square. The Old City of Paide and about a hundred limestone sculptures have an important place in the history of the town. The composer Arvo Pärt and the actresses Ita Ever and Eve Kivi have been born in Paide. In August an Opinion Festival brings thousands of people to Paide to discuss public issues and enjoy its cultural program. The town of Paide is a place of good living environment for families and growing up of children. Closer see