Friday, March 19, 2010

Cape Verde (Portuguese Colony) - Military Uniform 1965

50 Cape Verdean Centavos - Tambor do Regimento de Milicias 1806
1.00 Cape Verdean Escudos - Soldado de Regimento de Milicias 1806
Cape Verdean Escudos - Oficial Granadeiros de Infantaria 1833
Cape Verdean Escudos - Soldado Granadeiro de Infantaria 1833
Cape Verdean Escudos - Oficial de Cacadores a Cavalo 1834
Cape Verdean Escudos - Soldado Granadeiro de Infantaria 1835
Cape Verdean Escudos - Oficial de Artilharia 1848
Cape Verdean Escudos - Tambor Mor de Infantaria 1856

Sao Tome & Principe (Portuguese Colony) - Military Uniform 1965

20 Centavos - Oficial de Infantaria 1788
35 Centavos - Sargento de Infantaria 1788
40 Centavos - Cabo de Infantaria 1788
1.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1788
2.50 Escudos - Oficial de Ordenancas 1806
5.00 Escudos - Soldado de Cacadores 1811
7.50 Escudos - Parta Machado de Infantaria 1833
10.00 Escudos - Oficial de Lanceiros 1834

Macao (Portuguese Colony) - Military Uniform 1966

10 Avos - Tambor 1548
15 Avos - Soldado com Montante 1548
20 Avos - Arcabuzeiro 1649
40 Avos - Oficial de Infantaria 1783
50 Avos - Soldado de Infantaria 1783
60 Avos - Soldado de Infantaria 1902
1 Macanese Pataca - Soldado de Infantaria 1903
3 Macanese Pataca - Soldado de Infantaria 1904

Angola (Portuguese Colony) - Military Uniform 1966

50 Centavos - Arcabuzeiro 1539
1.00 Escudos - Arcabuzeiro 1640
1.50 Escudos - Oficial de Infantaria 1777
2.00 Escudos - Porta Bandeira de Infantaria 1777
2.50 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1777
3.00 Escudos - Oficial de Cavalaria 1783
4.00 Escudos - Soldado de Cavalaria 1783
4.50 Escudos - Oficial de Infantaria 1807
5.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1807
6.00 Escudos - Oficial de Cavalaria 1807
8.00 Escudos - Soldado de Cavalaria 1807
9.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1873

Mozambique (Portuguese Colony) - Military Uniform 1966

20 Centavos - Arcabuzeiro 1560
30 Centavos - Arcabuzeiro 1640
40 Centavos - Soldado de Infantaria 1777
50 Centavos - Soldado de Infantaria 1777
80 Centavos - Tambor 1977
1.00 Escudos - Sargento de Infantaria 1777
2.00 Escudos - Major de Infantaria 1784
2.50 Escudos - Oficial de Sipaios 1788
3.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1789
5.00 Escudos - Musica de Sipaios 1801
10.00 Escudos - Oficial de Sipaios 1807
15.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1817

Portuguese Guinea - Military Uniform 1966

25 Centavos - Soldado 1548
40 Centavos - Arcabuzeiro 1578
60 Centavos - Arcabuzeiro 1640
1.00 Escudos - Granadeiro 1721
2.50 Escudos - Capitao de Fuzileiros 1740
4.50 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1740
7.50 Escudos - Sargento Mar 1762
10.00 Escudos - Oficial de Engenharia 1806

Portuguese Timorese - Military Uniform 1967

35 Centavos -Oficial de Sipaios 1792
1.00 Escudos - Oficial de Infantaria 1815
1.50 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1879
2.00 Escudos - Soldado de Infantaria 1890
2.50 Escudos - Oficial de Infantaria 1903
3.00 Escudos - Soldado Sapador de Infantaria 1918
4.50 Escudos - Soldado de Cacadores Especiais 1964
10.00 Escudos - Soldado Paraquedista 1964

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Norwegia - Folk Dances 1976

Face value: 0.80, 1.00, 1.25 Kroner
Color: multicolored

Date of issue: 25 February 1976
Year of issue: 1976

Perforation: 13 1/4

Subjects: Dancing, National Costumes

Folk Dances:
0.80 Kroner - Halling, hallingdal dance
1.00 Kroner -

1.25 Kroner - Gangar, setesdal dance

Norwegian Dances:

Pols and Springleik: In eastern Norway, pols and springleik are dances which travel around the room, similar to the Swedish polska. In addition, these dances include walking figures and a slow turn (which can be clockwise or counterclockwise), to the fast one-measure clockwise turn. Pols dances from different areas of Norway are distinguished by variations in rhythm that drive the style and energy of the dance. Examples are Rørospols, Finnskogspols, and Springleik.

Springar and gangar: In these dances from the south and west of Norway, the man has a lot of freedom to improvise using figures often specific to the region and a lot of ornamentation consisting of fancy footwork, stamps, occasional acrobatics, and extra turns. These dances can be compared to American swing dancing in that the man decides and leads the figures and the woman follows, although the actual figures and styling are quite different. Some springars also include slow or fast couple turns.

The rhythm of the music for springars varies between different regions of Norway. The faster springars are done to music with three uneven beats per measure, which gives each dance its own characteristic svikt pattern. The relative lengths of the beats is specific to each region. Slower gangars are done to music with 2 even beats in a measure.

The music for springar and gangar is traditionally played solo on a hardanger fiddle, a special violin type instrument with sympathetic strings in addition to the played strings, which gives is a lovely, haunting sound. The music also does not usually follow a set pattern of 8-measure phrases familiar to us from other music. Examples are Valdresspringar, Hallingspringar, Vossaspringar, and Setesdalgangar.

Telespringar: This particular springar from the Telemark region of Norway is an improvised dance done on one spot. The dance has its own characteristic svikt and is done to music with three uneven beats. The figures are unique to this dance and are characterized by flowing turning of the couple both clockwise and counterclockwise, often described as imitating the floral curlicue patterns of the traditional, painted rosemaling designs. Changes in turning speed, couple hold and variations in the men's steps add endless variety and excitement to this favorite dance. A similar dance, Telegangar is done to slower music with an even beat.

Rull or rudl in western Norway is usually done to music with 2 beats per measure, of which Vossarull is an example. It combines a fast clockwise pivot turn with a slower polka type turn in either direction.

Halling is a solo men's dance in which athletic and dance skills combine and culminate in kicking a hat off a stick held above the dancers' heads.

Somalia - Harvesting Fruit 1961

Girl harvesting: Papaya, Cotton, Sesame, Sugar cane, Bananas, Peanuts, Grapefruit.

Liechtenstein - Folk Costumes 1977

A dirndl is a type of traditional dress worn in southern Germany, Liechtenstein and Austria, based on the historical costume of Alpine peasants. Dresses that are loosely based on the dirndl are known as Landhausmode.


The dirndl consists of a bodice, blouse, full skirt and apron. While appearing to be simple and plain, a properly made modern dirndl may be quite expensive as it is tailored and sometimes cut from costly hand-printed or silk fabrics. In the South German dialects (bairisch), dirndl originally referred to a young woman or a girl, and dirndlkleid to the dress. Nowadays, dirndl may equally refer to either a young woman or to the dress.

The winter style dirndl has heavy, warm skirts and aprons made of thick cotton, linen, velvet or wool, and long sleeves. The colors are usually rich and dark. The summer style is lighter and more frivolous, has short sleeves, and is often made of lightweight cotton, silk or satin.

Accessories may include a long apron tied round the waist, a waistcoat or a wool shawl. In many regions, especially the Ausseerland, vibrantly-colored, hand-printed silk scarfs and silk aprons are worn. As far as jewelry is concerned, women often sport necklaces, earrings and brooches made of silver, the antlers of deer or even animals' teeth. For colder weather there are heavy dirndl coats in the same cut as the dresses, with a high neck and front buttons, thick mittens and wool hats.

The placement of the knot on the apron is sometimes an indicator of the woman's marital status. When this is so, a knot tied on the woman's left side indicates she is single, a knot tied on the right means she is married, engaged or otherwise "taken", and a knot tied at the back means the woman is widowed.


The dirndl originated as a simplified form of folk costume; the uniform of Austrian servants in the 19th century (dirndlgewand means "maid's dress"). Simple forms were also worn commonly by working women in plain colours or a simple check. Originally, each village had its own style and crest. The Austrian upper classes adopted the dirndl as high fashion in the 1870s. Today, dirndls vary from simple styles to exquisitely crafted, very expensive models.

Contemporary uses:

The dirndl is mostly worn in Austria and Bavaria. Although not an everyday dress, many women may wear it at formal occasions (much like a Scotsman wearing a kilt) and during certain traditional events. It is hugely popular also among young women at the time of the OktoberfestMunich (and similar festivals in southern Germany, Austria, and the United States), although many young women will only wear dirndl-style dresses (called Landhausmode), which may deviate in numerous ways and are often much cheaper. in

In Austria and Bavaria, the dirndl may often be seen on women working in tourism-related businesses, and sometimes waitresses in traditional-style restaurants or biergartens. It is also seen in these regions on women in the folk music business.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Nicaragua - Urban & Provincial Arms 1962

0.02 Centavos - Ciudad de Nueva Secovia
0.03 Centavos - D La Mvi Noble I Leal Civdad D Leon
0.04 Centavos - Leal Villa de Santiago de Managva
0.05 Centavos - Granada
0.06 Centavos - De La Noble Villa de Nicaragua
0.30 Centavos - Ciudad de Nueva Secovia
0.50 Centavos - D La Mvi Noble I Leal Civdad D Leon
1.00 Cordoba - Leal Villa de Santiago de Managva
2.00 Cordobas - Granada
3.00 Cordobas - De La Noble Villa de Nicaragua

Brazil - Fashion 1982

20,00 Cruzeiros - Orix Costumes, Xango
20,00 Cruzeiros - Orix Costumes, Oxumare
20,00 Cruzeiros - Orix Costumes, Iemanja